I knew you would regret it.

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(Yoori's pov)

"I might need help"

(I turn around and look at sunoo who's head is tilted, his eyes look lustful)

"Sunoo you're really drunk right now."

"I am?"

(He sits at the edge of my bed and pulls me down onto his lap)


"What is it?"

"Shouldn't I help you change clothes?"

"I only wear pants to bed yoori~ there isn't much to change."

(I can feel his hot breath on my neck)

"Are you okay with this yoori?"

"Okay with what?."

"With this."

(He kisses me and wraps his arms around my waist )

"Are you okay with it?"

"I-i am."

(He continues kisses me,that is until he's ontop of me on MY bed.)

"I missed you so much yoori...."

"I missed you too sunoo"

(He starts unbuttoning his shirt)

[ah so he wasn't drunk enough to change his clothes himself]

"You are wearing something under this dress right?"

(I nod and he takes my dress off me)

"Do you feel more comfortable?"

"I do."

(Aight time for some French flavor 🚶‍♀️)

(He starts giving me a French kiss)

[i never knew sunoo was such a good kisser.]

(Someone knocks on the door which makes sunoo stop)

"I should probably get that..."

"I can get it, you're still shirtless"


(He kisses my forehead and gets off of ontop on me, i go over to the door and open it slightly)

"Oh miss yoori is the king in there?"

"Oh um"

(I look over at sunoo who just nods his head)

"He is, did you need him for something? He's quite drunk at the moment."

"Oh I just needed to talk to him about reinforcing our contract with our allies."

"Ahh, I think as he is drunk it would not be the best idea to talk about important things right now."

"I'll talk about it in the morning with him then, you two have a good night."

"We will, you have a good night too"

(Sunoo walks behind me and closes the door himself, and leaving me pretty much pinned to the wall.)

"I never realized how short you are until now."

The king's savior|| sunoo ff Where stories live. Discover now