Three's a Crowd...or is it? (BoyxBoy)

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"Come on, please?"


"But, why? Give me one good reason why you don't even want to try!"

"For one, it's weird and for another it's...WEIRD!"

"You might like it."

"I doubt it."

"Just think about it, ok? Don't just say no. I'll even let you pick who it will be. I need to go, my mom wants me to watch my sister tonight. Again, think about it."

Alex gave me a quick kiss and I watched him run down the road from my spot on the park bench. I can't believe the conversation we just had. How could he think that I would go along with that crazy plan? Sometimes I really think he was dropped on his head or something in that general range. He is always coming up with these crazy plans, but this one, well it just beats all the rest by far.

I really shouldn't be surprised. He's always doing this. And I'm always following along like some lovesick boy. Not this time though. I might have gone along with the time he convinced me it would be 'fun' to steal my mom's credit card and call the 'phone sex' number but forgot to mention that I should hide the phone bill, or that time he thought it would be cool to run through this very park, naked, in the middle of the day. That resulted in a few scared kids screaming for, Mommy, and a not so nice police officer escorting us home.

I groan and put my head in my hands. I can't say yes to him. Everything about his so called 'greatest idea in the world' is going to turn out bad. Very bad. There is no way this will work. Somebody is going to get hurt. It will probably be me that will be the one to have his heart broken. I mean, am I not good enough for him? Is he bored with me? Is that why he wants to do this?

I groan again at all of the questions running through my head. Now that I am actually thinking about why he would ask me to do...that...I am starting to feel the confidence in myself doing a huge nose dive into the ground below me.

I grab my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and scroll through my contacts until I find Alex's number and hit send.

It rings a few times before I hear someone answer. I don't even give him time to utter a hello before I start shouting the questions that have been haunting me.

"Did you really think that I would say yes? Why would I? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not cute enough? Smart enough? Do I bore you now? TELL ME! Why don't you want me anymore?!" I stop yelling, taking a huge breath in and letting it out slowly, waiting for him to answer me.

The phone stayed silent for a few minutes. I was just about to end the call, thinking he had hung up on me before I heard his whispered reply.

"I'm sorry." He pauses for a minute before continuing. "I didn't think you would start questioning my feelings about you. You are smart and sexy. There is nothing wrong with you and I will always want you. Always. I love you, Tyler. You know I do."

"Then why?" I ask him feeling a little desperate.

"I just thought it would be something new and exciting. Not that its not exciting with you but just something new for both of us. We're young Tyler. We should be experienceing new things. I wouldn't do this without you. If you say no, then I won't bring it up again. Just remember that once its over, it will still be just me and you. Forever."

I can feel my defenses weakening with ever word said. Am I really considering this? Nah, I just can't. I'm not this type of person he wants me to be. Its just not going to happen.

"I get to pick."


"And you will be happy with whoever it is?"

"Of course.."

"I say when it ends."

"Are you saying yes?!"

 "Yes." I yell into the phone then quickly push the end button. What have I just done?! This is crazy! I didn't just do that! Somebody made me...yeah, some invisible person with super powers invaded my body and made me agree to my boyfriends crazy plan. Yep, that sounds believable.

I roll my eyes at myself and lay down on the bench. Now I have to figure out who to ask. It has to be somebody that I can trust. Someone who would be crazy enough to agree to it. Someone who is not cuter then me...

I scroll through the contacts of my phone once again reading off the names of my friends.

Nick? To, short.

Aaron? To, tall.

James? Nope

 Brad? God, no! Eww..why is his number even in my phone?

Thomas? To, hairy?

Ok now I'm just trying to make things up. There has got to be one person that would be good enough...

Ryan? Ryan? Ryan? RYAN! This could work. He was just telling me the other week that he thinks he might be bi. This could be perfect. He's fairly cute. Very adorable in that puppy dog kind of way with his messy light brown hair and big blue eyes. His skinny body makes him look almost fragile. He's sweet, a little shy but I can work with that.

As I think more and more about Ryan, I can feel a smile come to my face. This might not be so bad after all.

I hit send on my phone and wait for him to answer.

"Hello." A quiet sweet voice answers the phone.

"Hey Ryan." I say happily.

"Tyler, for the last time, I will not do your homework!" I laugh at this. So, I might have asked or perhaps begged him to do my math homework a few time in the past.

"HAHA..Your so funny, but seriously, I have something very important to talk to you about. More like something that I want to ask you to do. Not my homework! Something, uh, more personal.." I trail off.

"Personal? Like what?"

"Not something I want to talk to you over the phone about. Come to my house later?"

"Sure I guess. I'll be there in an hour."

"Great, see you then."

I hang up and stare at the sky thinking that there is really only one reason why he wouldn't be a good choice. He's my best friend...

AN: Soooo, What is the 'greatest idea in the world'? Sorry is short, next one will be longer. Let me know if this sounds interesting or not. :)

Three's a Crowd...or is it? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now