Chapter 3

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Dedicated to Sica0916 for not getting mad at me when I lied and said this chapter will be up yesterday... haha

"So we're boyfriends now..."


"Yeah..we are together..."

I look over at Ryan and see him nervously biting his lip and shaking his leg up and down.  It's actually kind of cute and I can't help but to smile. "You know, no matter how many times you say it, the answer is not going to change."

He laughs a little before looking over at me from his position on the side of my bed. "I can't help it. It's just so weird. I don't know how to act around you now." He confesses.

I sigh and get up from the floor to sit next to him, laying my hand softly on his leg. "Well, just act like you would with any other boyfriend."

"I've never had a boyfriend before." I have to bite down on my cheek to keep from letting an 'awww' come out. He is just to adorable right now!

"Ok, then act like you would when you had girlfriends."

"So you want me to tell you a bunch of lies to get you in bed then leave once I have gotten what I wanted." He says with a glint in his eye.

My mouth drops open and I try to think what to say about that. Did I seriously just pick a player to be my second boyfriend?! I start to look around my room, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Uh.." Yep, still speechless...

Ryan starts laughing and pointing at me. "You should see your face right now!"

I turn my head back towards him and I give him a 'what the hell' look that has him laughing harder. "Am I missing something here? What is so funny about you confessing that your a nothing but a player?"

"I was kidding! Come on. I'm your best friend. You should know I'm not like that." He shakes his head a bit and gives me a smirk.

I blush a little, "Oh, right." I mumble. "Sorry I called you a dirty nasty player."

"You didn't say dirty and nasty."

"I censored it before letting it come out of my mouth."  He laughs and shoves me in the arm, making me topple of the bed. Jeez, where did that strength come from?! I grab his hand and yank him down to the floor, jumping on top. I pin his arms down and am about to yell in victory before Ryan does some kind of freaky ninja move and I find myself now pinned under him.

"Fine, you win." I say between breaths.

"You know I kinda like this position." He whispers while leaning forward slightly, his eyes on my lips.

I swallow nervously. Am I really going to kiss my best friend? Well, he is my boyfriend now and there will be kissing and other stuff. I should just start getting used to it now. Yeah, I should definitely get used to it now...

My thoughts vanish when Ryan's lips are an inch from mine. I take a deep breath in and close the rest of the distance, pushing my lips onto his gently. His lips feel soft against mine. Nothing like Alex's rough kissing. I feel like I don't have to rush with Ryan, but am able to take my time and explore. I open my eyes slightly and see Ryan with his eyes closed tightly and trying to decide if he should  put his hand on my cheek. I watch him move his hand towards me and hover an inch from my cheek before he jerks it back then trying again.

 I try not to. I really try not to, but unfortunately I fail and start laughing like a fool. I couldn't help it! He looked to cute! I'm sure he would of laughed at me if the position had been changed!

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