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alphamale69 is typing...
alphamale69 sent a chat.

alphamale69:  hey everyone 🥶

madmaxreal: nah who tf let him back in😐

strappedrn: bro

weballinfr: whoever let him back in is not seeing the light of day

mikewheelchair: who did he pay to let him in bc what😭

periodictablee: me..💀

willingtocommitcrimes: NAH

eggosrbetterthanu: HOW MUCH DID HE PAY YOU??


weballinfr: pause

periodictablee: he gave me like 50 dollars 😭
periodictablee: i love money 🤷

mikewheelchair: istg

womanenthusiast: nah bc why was he desperate...
womanenthusiast: 50 dollars? Thats bros whole paycheck at Walmart..💀

madmaxreal: PLSS

alphamale69: 😒

willingtocommitcrimes: i like going to Walmart for fun tho

alphamale69: oh fr? whats ur fav thing to do there

willingtocommitcrimes: steal

alphamale69: so thats why the cash register was missing 86 dollars and 32 cents 😐😐

weballinfr: bro why specifically 86 dollars and 32 cents

willingtocommitcrimes: idk

eggosrbetterthanu: omg guys i just seen tina brown outside

willingtocommitcrimes: WHAT
willingtocommitcrimes: WHERE??

eggosrbetterthanu: idk she was just walking past our house

willingtocommitcrimes: brb

eggosrbetterthanu: 💀

periodictablee: bro we shouldn't have let mews and glizzy gobbler have a playdate
periodictablee: i have like one crumb of food left in my kitchen and half my carpet is torn off

weballinfr: why would you think that was a good idea to let them have a playdate?😭

eggosrbetterthanu: I thought it would be cute😭😭

madmaxreal: glizzy gobbler aint even cute in the first place💀💀
madmaxreal: I MEAN
madmaxreal: i did not mean to send that..

eggosrbetterthanu: I cannot believe this

mikewheelchair: okay but you cannot tell me you sit there and get a good look at glizzy gobbler and rlly think he's cute💀💀

eggosrbetterthanu: but 🙁

eggosrbetterthanu: but 🙁eggosrbetterthanu:

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eggosrbetterthanu: glizzy🙁🙁

weballinfr: the way you just proved his point 💀


eggosrbetterthanu: you guys are such bullys 🙁

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eggosrbetterthanu: you guys are such bullys 🙁

madmaxreal: ngl he kinda looks cute in that picture

eggosrbetterthanu: SEE

willingtocommitcrimes: its only certain pictures bc he does not look cute irl

eggosrbetterthanu: oh ur back
eggosrebetterthanu: where did u go

willingtocommitcrimes: i was following tina brown down the street but she turned around so i made a run for it
willingtocommitcrimes: but she was like looking around scared for her life so maybe she knew i was there

eggosrbetterthanu: oh!

willingtocommitcrimes: oh yeah she also tripped and fell and her walker fell on top of her

weballinfr: bro what💀

periodictablee: did you atleast help her??😭

willingtocommitcrimes: lol
willingtocommitcrimes: no

mikewheelchair: who the hell helped her then??💀 aint she like 80

willingtocommitcrimes: idk that was when she turned around and i ran
willingtocommitcrimes: she's probably still there

madmaxreal: HELP WHAT

eggosrbetterthanu: nah bc im abt to personally turn him into the police😭

willingtocommitcrimes: NO PLS🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
willingtocommitcrimes: i had to share a cell w marge mc nut last time bruh😭

madmaxreal: when did she go to jail what??💀

weballinfr: im pretty sure she jay walked or sum

periodictablee: I had science class with her last year
periodictablee: I remember she got suspended for pulling the teachers wig off

madmaxreal: oh yeah I remember that

weballinfr: guys my mom just said its time for dinner but we stil eating thanksgiving leftovers 😭

ladyapplejack17: bro that turkey has been re heated like 20 times atp

periodictablee: that would be me if mews didn't eat everything

madmaxreal: guys i drew all over my hand with pen and sharpie am i gonna get lead poisoning

willingtocommitcrimes: probably 🥰

eggosrebetterthanu: dw i do that all the time and i never got poisedn

periodictablee: poisedn

mikewheelchair: poisedn

eggosrbetterthanu: 😐

madmaxreal: i think it seeped into my skin

weballinfr: wow

madmaxreal: is it just me or is the world changing colors
madmaxreal: not my vision getting blurry lol



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Woah this blew up! 🥶 follow me for more bangers! 😈💪🔥

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