Chapter Three

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Snow blanketed the ground and danced pleasantly as if fell from the heavy, grey sky. red watched this thoughtfully as the ebony horse carried her toward the hazy outline of the castle. Just ahead of her Appa sang cheerfully on the back of his own beast. His bright mood had rubbed only partially off on Red. She was not nearly as excited as him, but as the chilled flakes clung to her hair and eyelashes she did feel somehow lighter.

Though she also attributed this, at least partially, to the comforting weight of her scarlet cloak around her shoulders. She had not worn it much since she had washed the blood from the fur lining the day after her return. Somehow, she hadn't been able to bring herself wear it before now.

"We're nearly there." Appa called and Red turned her attention to the approaching castle.

It was huge. Its spires reached high enough to disappear into the clouds and something told her that when the sky was clear they certainly must scrape the very sky. "That's it?" She asked, shocked.

"It is. Impressive, isn't it?"

She nodded and a thrill of anticipation skimmed over her stomach. Cringing, she swallowed hard, well aware that this sensation tended to precede tears, which were always entirely uncalled for. This time she wouldn't let that happen; not after how many times it had happened in the past two days.

"Are you excited?" Appa asked, slowing his steed to come alongside Red.

"I'm not sure." She answered, pressing a hand to her uneasy stomach.

"You will be treated like a princess while you are there. And I've even heard rumors that the castle is equipped with indoor plumbing and preheated water."

Strangely enough, that was what it took. She grinned and drew her hood around her face. "In that case, let us not delay. For a hot bath!" She laughed, and she spurred her horse to a gallop.

Laughing along, Appa called out, "And a hotter meal!" before following suit. Together, they flew. The open, snowy fields turned into small villages that grew in size and population but they didn't slow or stop. Driven for their desire for all of the commodities of home they rocketed through each civilization whooping and laughing.

People came into the streets to watch them pass, calling out to them. Most of the time their words were ripped away, but from what Red caught they were not thrilled to have two "madmen" thundering down their streets. However, this only added to their childish elation as they rode.

It was only when they had reached the wall around the castle that they stopped. The horses were panting and Red's face was pink from the way the chilled wind had whipped at it.

"Who goes there?" A guard called from the top of the wall and Red pushed her hood away from her face.

"I am Red, and this is my guardian." She called out, gazing up at him with an amiable smile.

He blinked in surprise, squinting in the dying light of day. "Are you really?" He marveled quietly. "I will meet you on the other side to escort you." He hastened, and he disappeared as the gate began to open.

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