Chapter Two

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Ulric drew his hood close around his face as he walked and concentrated on creating his alter ego. Grey hair, he thought, the stress of an Ambassador's life would surely cause him to age quickly. He should be slight, but tall enough to look official, and of course his skin and eyes would both be light, as most northerners' were. He contributed everything he had to blend in and look as inconspicuous as possible. When he opened his eyes and blinked he felt the illusion cloak him and he shook the hood from his face, no longer needing the shadows it cast his visage in.

The night pressed down on him, the weight combining potently with that of his magic. It made his footsteps heavy and belabored and he didn't bother to fight it. Humans were not quiet when they walked, not like Shifters. Red had taught him that...

He shook his head hard in an attempt to rid himself of this thought, but it was too late. The memory of the brave human girl stabbed hard at his chest and he recoiled from it sharply. He had not seen her since he had returned her to her little village with the venom but the memory of her face was still vivid.

Of course, he'd heard her story. For a year he'd been wandering the realm of the humans and there certainly was a lot to learn. Master Genevieve expected him to report to her weekly. Much of what he learned, however, was never repeated. Especially the many variations on Red's story.

She had not told anybody what had happened among the trees, he knew. But what would she have told them? In his absence would she have inserted—concocted even—another person? Did she remember Eira? Or Aidan? Or how she'd almost died?

"Oi! Who goes there?"

Ulric looked up fast, renewing his hold on his new face. He had approached the castle walls without noticing it. "Ambassador Adwin of Solciudad." He called, drawing himself up regally and accenting his voice heavily with the northern inflection.

"We aren't expecting any Ambassadors." The guard responded gruffly.

"I travel on behalf of King Senwah. He wishes a voice in war negotiations."

There was movement in the dark above him and Ulric drew his cloak closer around his shoulders to ward off the chill and fight his shivers. If he could not act as if he was unaffected by the winter chill in King Gavin's realm he would never pass as a northerner.

"You're going to be escorted to the throne room. King Gavin will determine your authenticity."

Ulric sighed softly with relief when the gate before him began to lift. Readjusting his pack he swept through the open gateway to meet his host of soldiers. They closed around him once he reached their midst and began to move. Ulric let them guide him, taking note of their route and the various guards posted around the walls.

"You will remain here. I will fetch you when His Majesty is prepared." One of the guards instructed, pulling the procession to a halt before a massive set of ornate double doors.

"Of course." Ulric stated, bowing his head respectfully.

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