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After val's parents left, leaving Valentina all alone in a new school, new people, all knew faces only knowing one extroverted, happy girl, Enid. Val and Enid were now walking around the school, while enid was giving Val a grande tour of the place Val would have to call home for the rest of her school years.

"Nevermore was founded in 1791, to educate people like us, outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favourite marginalised group here." Enid told Valentina, while she listened closely, figuring she'd have to get to know the place she'll be living and learning at for the next few years.

"Uh huh, this place doesn't looks that old." Val stated.

"It probably got renovated over time, to keep it updated with the now modernised world."

"I just wanted to ask, rumours swirling round that you almost killed a kid by shooting him with an arrow, is that true?" Enid asked her hoping she could get an answer
"Not entirely, I did shoot him, he just walked in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he isn't dead, just in hospital for a while." Val told her, her face staying blank the whole time.

"Anyway, welcome to the quad!"

"It's a pentagon."

"The whole, cool, unfazed, zero fucks given thing might've worked in norme school but here, things are different."

"Let me give you a wiki on nevermore's social status."

"I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés."

"Well then use it to fill you plain, blank heart, there are many flavours of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are the fangs, furs, stoners and scales."

"Those are the fangs, AKA vampires, some have quite literally been here for decades."

"That bunch of knuckleheads over there are the furs, AKA werewolves, like both of us."

"I'm taking a wild guess that scales are sirens." Val asks Enid sure she was right.

"You catch on quick val, it's ok that I call you that right?"

Val just nods her head, while watching what everyone around the quad was doing.

"That girl there, her name is Bianca barclay, is the closest thing nevermore has to royalty, although her crown has been slipping. She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe, but they broke up at the beginning of the semester, reason unknown." Enid told Val, but she just blocked out most of it, putting all of her focus on nevermore's tortured artist Xavier Thorpe. Looking at his gorgeous features, his long hair and slim tall body, up on the ladder with a paintbrush in hand, eyes focused on the school wall, his canvas.

"Interesting." Val responds to whatever Enid was saying about Xavier.
"I know right, my blog is like the number one source of gossip for nevermore" Enid exclaims all excited and happy.

"Yo Enid, your not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your one of your new roommates, one of them shit a kid and he died. You better watch your back." This kid with a beanie covering his hair. Enid moved out of the way to show the boy one of her new roommates he was just talking about.

"Quite the contrary, I actually shit him in a non fatal place, he's merely in the hospital, he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." Val told him, setting him straight. Val just figured his name out because of enid.

"Ajax, meet one of my new roommates, Valentina Rossi."

Ajax was flabbergasted, only a single word could come out of his mouth, his cheeks flushing a light pink tone due to embarrassment. "Woah"
"Your in dark colours, like a loving instagram filter."

Enid shoved him away after him saying that, going back to giving Val a tour of the very unique school.

"Ignore him, gorgon's spend way too much time getting stoned. He's cute but clueless. It's a small school, there really wasn't much about you online. You should really get on, Insta, Snapchat and TikTok."

"I find social media, a bore and a complete waste of my time, i'd rather do something more productive. Like practice my skills and improve." Val told enid.
After that she left enid to stand there while walking off to unpack all of her many clothes and items out of her bags and into her new shared room. Knowing a little later her other new roommate was coming to the school.


This chapter was enid explaining the basics to Val,
and foreshadowing the next roommate,
Just to clear something up, the room will be
Twice the size of the one for the show,
Because I'm going to have 4 girls per room.
Anyway I hope you liked this chapter,
Pls vote and comment.


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