Chapter 1. We meet again.

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Two years later...

Scopeview high, the beginning of highschool, 1988.

"..New kid.." "..Moved from.." "..Heard he's good at sports.."

The constant voices around the halls about this 'new student' was getting really annoying, really quickly. It's just a new student, he can't be that great can he? I bet he's just like any other guy at this school.

The 'rumours' of this new student kept circling the school for the next two weeks, but I hadn't actually seen him yet. It doesn't matter anyway, it's not like he'd want to be friends with someone as 'gross' as myself.

It has been four weeks now since the new student came to the highschool, and still, I hadn't seen him; or i just wasn't looking hard enough I suppose.

~ding dang ding dong~

Finally, class is over and I can eat. I think to myself. I walk out of my classroom and go to my locker to grab my lunch and put it in my bag. I also grab my guitar case then head downstairs into the music room since no one usually eats in there at lunch. I open my lunchbox and set it down on a bench, and sit down, taking my guitar out to practice a song I've been trying to compose; although I haven't got really far with it.

I continue to practice, but then I hear some voices coming from outside the music room. '..catch you guys later..' '..see you later..' was what I could pick up from the conversation. I didn't catch the name that was said however. I'm sure it didn't matter anyway. I continue to practice quietly then I hear the door open loudly, as if the person had run into the door to try and open it. Trying to ignore them, I write down the new cords for the melody of the song.

"Jamie?" I hear a voice speak. It was so familiar, but where have I heard it before?

Looking up at the person who had suddenly asked me a question, I felt my stomach drop. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was no way it could be him.. It couldn't be him.. Right?

"Holy shit, is it really you, Jamie?" he continued.

"..Hunter?" I said, shocked.

"Uh.. hey man. It's been a minute."

It was him.

It was Hunter.

He was tanned, and still had the same fluffy brown hair like he did when we were kids. He had more muscle on him now, and his face had more definition. He still had the same look in hazel eyes that looked into my blue eyes.

"Is.. is it really you? I'm–I'm not imagining this right now am I?" I asked, standing up and walking towards him.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm back." Hunter said, walking towards me, and opening his arms to hug me.

I walk to him faster, and caress him in my arms tightly. I couldn't believe it. I can't believe it.

"It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever! I thought you weren't ever coming back.." I said, letting go of him.

"Of course I came back. My dad decided he wanted to come back here and go back to his old job so, here I am!" Hunter replied, crossing his arms.

"You look great. I can tell you've been working out a lot." I say.

"Thanks, I have been. You look great too.. And tall." Hunter says, looking up at me.

I was always shorter than him when we were kids. He was born before me, by two months.

"I guess I have grown taller, haven't I?" I chuckle.

"You sure did. I was taller than you two years ago!" Hunter added, comparing out heights with his hand. "Anyway, how've you been, dude? He said, sitting on the bench beside where I was sitting before.

"I've been alright.." I said, sitting back down in my seat. "I joined the soccer team last year in middle school, but I'm thinking of joining the school rugby team this year. I'm taking a music class, that's why I have my guitar here. Oh and I'm also taking art as my electives and.. Uhm, yea that's really it."

"That's cool," Hunter replied. "I was thinking of joining rugby too."

"Really? That's great."

There was a small moment of silence, then I spoke up.

"So what was Argentina like? Did you meet a lot of new people at the school you stayed at?" I asked.

"It was good, yea. I had a good group of buddies there and I was on the soccer team last year for school too–just like you were here. Guess what the team name was? 'The yellow Canaries', kinda cheesy right? I actually got myself a girlfriend there too! But I'm not sure how long it's gonna last.. Y'know, cause it's a long distance relationship 'n all." he said.

A girlfriend. Of course he got a girlfriend.. He's straight after all, and that's normal for boys to get girlfriends at this age.

"Oh, you did? Cool.." I replied.

"Hey uh, was there a reason you stopped sending letters? After I was gone for five months you kinda stopped sending them.." Hunter said, eager for my reasoning behind not sending him letters.

"Oh uhm.. I stopped sending letters because I thought you didn't want them anymore." I said, "I kept getting fewer replies as the weeks went on so i though–"

"That son of a bitch!" Hunter yelled, "I am so so sorry, I asked my dad if he could send out the letters, and–and he told me he did! But he didn't send them. I'm sorry this is all my fault, I should have checked in to the post office to see if the letters were actually handed to them." "No, no it's not your fault. You don't have to apologize, I understand. It's okay." I said, trying to reassure him.

"Okay.." Hunter said, awkwardly.

We kept talking, and soon enough, the bell rang and lunch break was over. Too bad, I didn't want it to end..

It was like we hadn't even been away from each other.

"Looks like lunch is over. How about we meet after school?" Hunter said.

"Oh, yea sure. That sounds great." I replied, "there's actually a new cafe that opened up over the summer, wanna stop by there?"

"Sure." Hunter smiled. "Great, I'll see you then." I replied.

"Yea, see you then" Hunter said, ruffling my blonde hair, then walking out of the music room. "Okay.." I say, after he closes the door.

Touching my hair, my face heats up a bright red. Packing my things to get to my next class, I catch myself smiling. Did I really miss him that much?

Of course I did. I really, truly missed him.

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