Prologue 5

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"Dear me, there really isn't anything." He said as he closed the 36th book he opened, "Now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such a place? That wasn't some sort of lie, or jape?"

"Lying wouldn't get me back home."

"Then it's quite possible that you're from maybe another planet, or another dimension. There really isn't any other possibility."

'Well, what he said is true. Not only do the countries look different, but the names are nothing I've ever seen. Land of Pyroxene? Valley of Thorns? Not once have I seen them on any map until today.'

"Do you have some form of identification, a driver's license perhaps? Or even a . . . shoe?" Crowley asked.

"Unfortunately, no." But as Evadne felt around her waist, she felt something hard wrapped around it. She looked down and noticed her belt peaking out from under the robe. Maybe she didn't come empty handed after all.

"Wait a minute." She said as she unclimbed her belt and placed it on the table. Crowley stared at the belt. It had a set of keys attached to it and a small, green pouch with an odd symbol on it. Crowley stared at the keys. They radiated the most magic, and it was nothing like any ancient relic he had seen before. 

"What's with the keys?" Crowley asked.

"I'm a celestial wizard." Evadne responded like someone living under a rock would know that. 

"You're a wizard!?" Crowley yelled, "B-But the mirror . . ."

"I hid it." Evadne covered her ears. There were many things she couldn't tolerate, and loud people were one of them. 

"Why would you hide it though?"

Evadne sighed. 'I guess he's more stupid than I thought.'

"I have powerful magic." Crowley's expression didn't change, and she prepared herself for a but-load of questions, "Once people find out, I'll be hunted down worldwide for it. Besides, people will eventually figure out I'm not from this world and a whole new problem will arise."

"Ah, I see." 

"Nothing I have will prove my identity though." Evadne clipped her belt back on, surprised he didn't ask the but-load of questions she was expecting.

"Well, this is quite the predicament. I cannot have someone with no aptitude for the natural magic here bumbling about my magic academy. And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel a young person without a cent to their name, or any ability to contact their guardian . . . Truly, my grace is boundless." Crowley said, and Evadne could feel his ego rise. 

"Ah!" Crowley said out of nowhere, causing Evadne to jump, "There is a vacant building on campus. It was used as a dorm long ago. With proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough. Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being."

'Sure, the kindness of your heart . . .' 

"In the meantime, I'll continue to do research to find you a way home. Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say. Well then, I shall take you to your dorm straight away. It is an older building, but it has plenty of...character, one might say." Evadne looked at him and sweat-dropped.

'Quite obvious this abandoned building isn't in shape for living, but go on . . .'

"Let's get a move on, shall we?"

Ramshackle Dorm

"Yes . . . Too much charm." Evadne sighed as they walked through the gate and to the dorm.

'It's desolate and dilapidated, and far beyond repair, it looks like the best course of action is to just scrap the entire building and build a new one. I wonder if Virgo can do that.'

As soon as they entered the building, Evadne could only look at the dorm in horror. How could he possibly expect her to sleep in a dorm in such a condition? She looked at Crowley with a "how the fuck am I supposed to live here" look, but he avoided her glare.

"Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourself. But don't let me catch you wandering the campus! Ta ta!" The headmaster left without another word and Evadne was left alone in the overly-dilapidated room. 

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