Prologue 9

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"What?" Evadne and Grim said in unison.

"Pfft... Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The one summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't even use magic, and the monster no on summoned at all. It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!" Ace hollered as he was nearly bursting with tears. 

Grim was mad, but Evadne was furious. If he knew he was talking to one of the most talented people with magic in Fairy Tail, would he still be laughing his ass off? Maybe it was time she blew her cover.

'No. I can't do that. I can't just attack people because of how oblivious they are'  But no matter how hard Evadne tried, her anger wouldn't die down,  but would instead continue growing and growing. 

'You know what, I'm tired of hearing him laughing.'


Ace fell hard on his ass, and Evadne just couldn't take it anymore. Of course she didn't know this shit. She was from another world, of course the customs and beliefs were different. 

"You have no right to laugh at me." Evadne said menacingly, words dripping with poison, and Ace trying not to pee his pants, "Alright, I may not know who the great seven are. Do you know who the Spriggan 12 are?" Ace shook his head, trembling, "Exactly! We may not know the same things, but you don't get to laugh like that. People like you are just so infuriating!"

Evadne took a few steps back and took a couple deep breaths. She didn't want to stay mad the rest of the day. Ace got up and backed away as far as he could while still I earshot of them, not wanting to face Evadne's wrath again. 

"Anyway, just thought I'd tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It's been a blast!" Ace trembled under Evadne's "I will kill you in your sleep" glare, "Unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I'll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!"

"Myuh-uh! You ain't walkin' away from me! It's too late for that! Myaaaaah!" Grim spit fire in Ace's direction, barely missing Ace.

"Whoa!" Ace looked at his slightly burned blazer. Evadne just looked at Grim, disappointed.

'God, you have such bad aim. Why do I even keep you around besides for the second-hand embarrassment?'

"No one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire! I'm gonna make that fire-head of yours explode all over again!" Grim threatened.

"That last sentence made no sense. I think you need to go back to 1st grade." Evadne sweat dropped.

"Fire-head?! You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts. You wanna talk hair, huh? I'm gonna shave you like a toy poodle!" Ace took out a pen with a red jewel on it. He shot a gust of wind out at Grim, sending him back several feet. Grim shot fire again, this time hitting Ace, scorching par of his clothes. Obviously a fight was more important than classes because a hoard of students began gathering around them. 

"What's going on over there? A fight?!"

"Oh, sweet! Get 'em!" Evadne finally had enough of this.

"If you're not here to stop them then LEAVE!" The students immediately ran away, some of them peeing their pants. 

Once they had all left, Evadne had a sinking feeling, but didn't know why, when she remembered: Grim closes his eyes when breathing fire, meaning he could hit someone. Or worse, the statues. Not to mention Ace's wind magic could blow the fire in any direction, including towards the statues. Evadne watched Ace nervously, and her blood ran cold when she realized what direction the fire was going in. 

"All elemental resistances arise, deus corona!"

The fire, which was about the char the Queen of Hearts statue, bounced off of nothing, and dispersed into thin air, a few flares landing on the ground. The spell dispersed, leaving a perfectly unharmed Queen of Hearts statue. A set of footsteps arrived on the spot. All three of them turned their heads to see Crowley standing there, panicked.

"What is going on here, and why is the ground around the statue of the Queen of Hearts statue charred?" Crowley demanded an explanation, and Evadne gave one to him with as much detail as possible, from Grimm commenting on the statues to her saving it with a spell she learned not too long ago. 

"Ugh . . . You!" Crowley pointed at Ace, "Name and year."

"Ace Trappola . . . Freshman." Ace looked down with embarrassment.

"If it weren't for miss Scarlet, the only one with any sense of responsibility, the Queen of Hearts statue would've been completely burned! Not only do you two owe her one, but as punishment for today's infractions, you and Grim are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!"

"Myah?! That's what you get for makin' fun of me! This is all your fault!" Grim yelled at Ace.

"Ugh, it's all be because that joker made fun of us!" Grim said, trying to shift the blame.

"Oh? And the Queen of Hearts statue should've been burned?" Evadne glared at him, and Grim was at a loss for words.

"Whaaat? I have to do it too?!" Ace exclaimed.

"Of course you do. You contributed to this after all. You will meet in the cafeteria after class. Are we clear?" Crowley asked sternly.

"Yes sir." Ace bowed his head. 

"Ugh, I just can't catch a break!" Grim kicked the air, hitting Evadne, who responded with a kick just as hard to the face.

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