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     "Or horr! So I see you want me to cuss your ass out young man, look at the time and yet you still haven't call me" Nana shouted in my ear, she's the only human being that can speak to me like a child and getaway with it

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"Or horr! So I see you want me to cuss your ass out young man, look at the time and yet you still haven't call me" Nana shouted in my ear, she's the only human being that can speak to me like a child and getaway with it.

"Nana...I forgot, at this moment I'm preparing for a raid so now is still not the best time either" I briskly walked to my weapons room with some of my men.

Lexx informed me that Diablo is planning to move the containers the next day so plans changed immediately, we have to fly out now if this shit is going to work out effectively and smooth.

"What's going on Pablo, at least tell me something and what is all that commotion in the background I'm hearing" am sure she heard the loading of guns, can't get nothing pass her, "e ora di andare, concludere!" I commanded my men to hasten to leave, we have no time to waste. (Time to go, wrap it up).

"Nana to put everything in a nutshell, Diablo was the one who  took my shipment and Jessica is his accomplice, all this time I'm positive our relationship was a staged thing to probably take me down, anyway we're on our way to retrieve what's mine".

My question is what is the sole purpose of Diablo sending Jessica if he hasn't tried to kill me at least not yet, but why wait so long Jessica and I have been together for many years something isn't adding up.

I can't lie and say this fucked up situation isn't bothering because it is, but now is not time to weep and moan about it.

The phone went silent and then she said, "I knew it! the day I put my eyes on that little snake! and where is my grand baby going to stay while you are gone" the word came out of her mouth like poison when she snake, hearing the tone in her voice she was furious.

As I can tell everybody who tried to warned me about Jessica was spot on and I was the only fool in the midst that allowed myself to be blinded, by what?, love!...never happening again.

"One of my house keeper agreed to stay with her until I get back, I didn't want to bother you knowing you had prior engagements with your grand daughter" it would be unfair of me to ask her to watch Hailey so unexpectedly, she already works so hard for me and infringing on her time is not what I wanted to do.

"For need a baby sitter Pablo! for heaven sakes you are a Mafia leader and you won't be around her every second of the day, my granddaughter Anastasia is a certified care taker, you can interview her if you wish, do your background check or whatever and then use your discretion. Secondly I love that little girl to pieces so don't say nonsense like that, bring munchkin over here right now young man" she hung up before I could object but I have enough sense not to call back and say anything different.

How the fuck am I suppose to do this shit now after midnight in the middle of flying out to a raid, that wasn't my plan in the first place, "Don, the men are ready" Jackson said taking me out of my thought.

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