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"So yuh mean to tell me that dis child's mother is aware of her daughter's behavior and does nothin bout it

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"So yuh mean to tell me that dis child's mother is aware of her daughter's behavior and does nothin bout it....or hor" seem like I have to get on like a cunt in this place tuhday.

Some children lashes out because of bad circumstances at home, some are not being loved properly or at all and some portrays the example they see and in this instance, this child is mimicking her mother actions, I'm blaming the parents one hundred percent but they meet their match this morning it stops here.

"Mrs Matteo I..." wait what!, no.

"It's Ms Anastasia principal Davis..." his brows where scrunched with his lips folded in, "I'm sorry its just that..."

"Is just what?"

"Mr Matteo addressed you as that when he set up the meeting, anyway...." this son of ah bitch is more confusing and indecisive than a pregnant woman's appetite.

Both of us sitting here awkward as ever, all I could've done is strug my shoulder and nodge him to move on and leave shit as it is, "am listening sir".

"To answer your question, yes I reported the matter to her many times after Hailey and two other students complained but nothing is being done. Probably I should've tell Mr Matteo but the situation seemed to be manageable enough for me at...".

"And yet we are here, in yuh office, with nothing being resolved Mr Davis!" who give this spineless man a position like such that has power and responsibilities he can't control, there is more that could've been done, not once this little girl was sent home or no type of disciplinary action whatsoever. My pumpkin was enduring hell for God alone knows how long.

He was speechless because it is the truth, my initial thought was to come in here, be a as civilized as I can so we all can come to a common ground...not anymore.

"Principal Davis please, I can't stay....long" making excuses before she walked in the door, when her eyes landed on me instantly closing her mouth and clearing her throat.

No greeting or acknowledging of my presence she just sat on the chair parallel to mine. What is she problem?, with them criminal offensive side eyes like she knows me.

I don't have time for this shit today, "Mr Davis yuh could bring dem kids in, as she said.." pointing to Ms thing on the side of me "I can't stay here long either, please and thank you".

Nodding in agreement he picked up his office phone calling the teacher of the class to escort them in.

In the meantime minding my business texting Ruby, catching Ruby up on the bacchanal that took place yesterday to now since she so occupied with this nasty divorce case she didn't wanted in the first place.

Rue 📞 🔍

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