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       Three days later

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Three days later...

"HAILEY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Jessica harshly banged her hand on the rusty old decomposed iron door where she held her own daughter captive in a dilapidated room next to Diablo's "office" if you could call it that.

The entire building was rundown and abandon, only occupied for the purpose of conducting illegal activities such as exchanging goods and services, keeping hostages or torturing.

The brothel next door was much bigger, cleaner and habitable, after all that's where they rake in millions by trafficking young girls and women.

Hailey balled up trembling in a corner of the dark and dusty room, filled with cobwebs and old things thrown carelessly covered in dirt. Hungry, thirsty and cold, baby girl had nothing else to do more than cry, she never stopped since the woman brought her to her mother.

Wiping her face with the collar of her soiled shirt, Hailey sat up with her legs crossed, looking around the room with the little light that came through the wholes and cracks in the wall.

Frightened by how creepy, gloomy and clustered her environment was, already afraid of the dark, bug and insects crawling everywhere with no one to comfort her. Tears ran out her puffy red eyes and down her swollen face, "daddy, mommy Anna, Nana.....please come get me" she crooked, playing with the damaged necklace her father gifted her a year ago.

Weak from hunger and her throat dry, Hailey layed back down in the same position as she were feeling to pass out from exhaustion.

As she drifted off ignoring the ruckus that was taking place just outside the door, in Diablo's "office".

"I thought you said when I come back you will have my money Jessica, if he finds out I took her I'm fucking dead!".

Diablo was handling some other business while Jessica was waiting for him to come back, forgetting Maryann and the deal they had on behalf of Diablo.

Anastasia was right, something definitely wasn't right with her and those side eyes, whole time these two are friends conspiring this whole time.

"I know but I forgot, you will have to wait-"

"I'm not waiting in this fucking hell hole are you CRAZY!" she was so loud Diablo heard her all the way outside when he arrived.

The door barely cracked open and BANG! a clean shot through Maryann's head, like a lifeless object her body dropped to the ground.

Jessica gasped with her hands over her mouth not expecting him to do that, she ran over dropping to her knees not sure what to do.

Nonchalant and unbothered he lit a cigarette taking a pull then exhaling, watching the smoke dissipate in the air.

"She was too fucking loud drawing unnecessary know I hate that princess" Diablo stood above her looking down as she stared at her friend but he didn't care.

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