Your white lines

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The wall around me has gotten bigger,
I used to sneak on the passerby strangers,
But now the barbed wire fence tells me not to,
So I stay on the other side inside this room.
Sometimes the breeze comes in,
And sometimes it brings the smell of Tiramisu,
But most of the times it is just me imagining,
Thinking you'll be on the same page like I do.
But I fail to express myself in words,
Fail to put the right expressions,
It becomes a game of writing words,
To somebody who won't ever read them.
I play hide and seek and try to see,
But no one is ever looking for me,
Behind this tall wall away from you,
Your white lines on this wall reminds me of you.
You told me to connect the dots,
These white chalk lines painted those dreams,
But you walked away to reach somewhere far,
And I can say I got stuck waiting.
Your white lines on this brick walls,
The ice, the rain and the stars,
All the dreams you drew over here,
Remind of the time we were still one.

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