Part 6 - Dear Diary

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Disclaimer - I do not own RWBY, nor do I own the characters. (Except for my OC, of course.)

"OH MY GOD! FIIINALLYYY!" Nora exclaimed, waking up everyone else in the room. "Ugh, What is it now, Nora?" Drake said, feeling sleep deprived. "It's SATURDAY! Aren't you excited?" "Jesus Christ, it's early. Couldn't you save your outburst until it's a bit later?" "But it's Saturday, Drake! Besides, this gives you the opportunity to go ask out Weiss!" Nora said, bubbly as ever.

"N- Nora! I don't want to ask her out! Not that I don't think She's- Nora, I don't!" Drake said nervously. "Oh, and I found your diary!" Nora said, picking up a small black book. This got the attention of Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren. "Dear diary," Nora read aloud. "Nora, don't!" "In class today, me and Weiss were at opposite ends of the room." She continued. "Nora, please!" "She saw me and smiled, So I blushed. I think she likes me. Aww! You're So cute, Drake!"

Pyrrha giggled a bit, bringing her hand to her mouth. "Give it back! Give it back, Nora!" Drake shouted as he chased Nora around the room. But, as he knew, he could not outrun Nora. Drake eventually gave up and left to go find Weiss. "I'm going." Drake told them. "Going to Weiss? Bye, Drake!"

He knocked on team RWBY's dorm room and Weiss answered it. Surprisingly, she was alone. "Hey, Weiss." "Hey, Drake. Uh, Can I help you?" "Yeah. Uh, I was wondering, Can I maybe hang out here for a bit?" Drake asked. "Yeah, sure. Come in"

Drake walked into the room and sat down on Weiss's bed. "So, where's the rest of your team?" He asked. "Yang took Ruby to some club and Blake is out with Sun." She Replied. "So, we're here all alone." Drake said awkwardly. "Yep. Just the two of us." Weiss said. They sat there in an awkward silence until Weiss tried to break the ice.

"So, how's team JNPR doing?" Weiss asked. "They're good. Nora keeps waking me up really early, though." Drake told her. "That sucks. How's your arm?" She asked. "Hurts like Hell. I can't even fight properly because of it." "Ouch. That also sucks." "Yeah."

'Come on, Drake. Just tell her you like her. It can't be that scary, right? I mean, you've been through worse than problems with girls.' Drake thought to himself. 'Come on, Weiss. Just tell him! As if he would reject a Schnee!' Weiss thought to herself.

Drake looked up at Weiss and she did the Same. They both stared deeply into each other's eyes. Drake couldn't believe he was here with a girl as beautiful as Weiss Schnee. Her blue eyes were empowering. It was as if he was under her spell; He simply couldn't look away.

Weiss stared deeply into his green eyes. She was just crazy about the wolf faunus that sat beside her. Her heart rate increased and she started breathing heavily. She had to tell him now. She just had to. She couldn't delay it for any longer. She had to tell him. 'It's now or never.' She thought to herself.

"Drake, I have something to tell you." She said, her heart now beating faster than ever before. "What is it, Weiss?" Drake questioned. "I... I think I love you." She told him, still staring him in the eyes. Drake took a moment to process this, but when he did he felt happier than ever before. He was So shocked he could hardly think of anything to say. "O- Okay.. I think I love you too, Weiss."

"So, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Weiss asked. "Yes, I do! A- And You're going to be my girlfriend?" Drake asked. "Yes, Drake." Drake wasn't the best at expressing his feelings into words, So they sat there in an awkward silence again. "Do you... Want to kiss?" Weiss asked him. "Uh, Yeah." Drake Replied awkwardly.

They moved slowly towards each other. Their lips came closer until they were very close, almost touching. They lingered there for a moment, building up their excitement, until their lips finally touched. As soon as their lips touched, they both forgot everything around them and became focused on their partner.

Drake moved his hand into Weiss's face and closed his eyes. They could stay like this forever. Weiss broke the kiss to tell Drake "We can't tell anyone about this yet, okay? You promise?" "I promise." Drake told her. They then cuddled up in her bed and stayed there for What felt like an eternity.

"I'm So glad I told you, Drake. I've been meaning to tell you this for So long." Weiss said. "I fell in love with you the moment that we met. Your blue eyes have always stayed in my mind. To be honest, I never really payed much attention to anyone else with you around." Drake told her. "You're really sweet, Drake. I love you." "I love you too, Weiss."

"You're So amazi-" The door swung open. Weiss and Drake immediately moved away from each other. "Yang in there, Weiss! I know Xiao Long you've waited for me to come back and brighten up your day, So- Oh. Hey, Drake!" "Hi, Yang." Drake greeted Yang. "Sup, Ice Queen!" "Hey, Yang." Ruby followed behind Yang.

"What have you two lovebirds been up to?" Yang asked with a smirk on her face. "I- We, Uh..." Drake stuttered. "We've just been talking." Weiss finished his sentence for him. Yang raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And What about?" "Well, I asked him How his arm was and he said that it hurts. What are you doing back So early anyway?" "The club sucked So we came back because we realized that we left you here all alone and we felt sorry for you."

"Is Blake still out with Sun?" Yang asked. "Yeah." Weiss Replied. "So you two have just been here alone?" "Yes... What's your point?" Weiss asked Yang. "Are you sure you haven't been doing anything?" "I'm sure, Yang! Go away!"

Note - Weiss and Drake are together! Finally! But Shh! It's a secret! I look forward to Writing part 7 and I hope you look forward to reading it.

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