Making "Friends"

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Aravyn hefted her heavy trunk full of her only possessions. Living in the British isles was dreary, but without parents it was worse. Her brother and herself taught themselves defensive spells, transfiguration, charms and such simple spells, and though Aravyn would never tell this to anyone, she often liked to sit in the woods and read texts about the magical world.
Setting it on the only empty bed, she opened it and pulled out a giant poster that read; Hollyhead Harpies Quidditch and hung it on her backboard.
She flicked her wand from her robes, ash, 13inches, dragon heart string, and flicked it, all of her belongings flying into their places in the dresser next to her bed.
She pulled her dad's old Gryffindor sweater out and a pair of jeans.
Pulling them on she walked down to the common room, her wand in her back pocket.
James was there, with Lily Evans, a pretty muggle born with striking eyes, talking to first years about the school. She smiled at Lily and was happy to receive one back. She walked over to a plush armchair and sat down. A short while later, Sirius joined her, perching himself upon the arm of her chair.
"You look good it Red and Gold!" He said cheekily. She rolled her eyes playfully.
"Don't you forget it Black!" She winked.
Moony and Peter stood a bit away observing.
"They are already getting along well!" Peter said excitedly. Remus nodded.
"Padfoot is actually trying with her!"
James had finished droning on and the first years had dispersed. He joined the two, staring at their friend.
"How's he doing?" James asked.
"Not sure but they've talking for quite a bit and they kept getting a little bit closer," Remus smiled.
And that they did, they talked and talked and talked late into the night. Aravyn about life on an island, and who much she rather be in the mountains and Sirius about quidditch and classes and who he likes and hates.
Aravyn nodded off around midnight.
"Aravyn, hey, you fell asleep! We should go to bed anyway, come on," he dragged her, unceremoniously to her feet.
Aravyn stumbled up the stairs and left Sirius at the girl's dormitory. She sleepily slid out of her jeans and fell a top the covers of her bed. All of the other girls, including Lily and Violet, were fast asleep. As soon as Aravyn's head touched the pillow she fell into a soft sleep.
Aravyn lifted her head off the pillow just before dawn. She pulled on the white button up shirt and grey Gryffindor vest on and put a pair of black trousers on as well. She pulled on her robes and slipped her wand into it, all the while watching the sun rise from the tower window.
She tied her hair into a loose braid and walked down to the common room, sitting by the fire.
A bit later James stumbled sleepily down the steps and slouched next to her.
"Morning," she mumbled.
"Ergh," he grumbled back.
"Nice to see you, too! Yes I do think it's an absolutely lovely day!" She said sarcastically.
"Morning, prongs, Aravyn!" Moony said walking down the stairs.
"Morning!" They mumbled back.
"You are looking quite fine today!" He said joyously.
"Alright cap'n sunshine, why are you so bouncy?" Aravyn asked looking up at him.
"The first day of sixth year! We are done with OWL! And we get our schedules at breakfast! And we don't have to worry about NEWTS until next year!" Aravyn gave a questioning look to James who only shrugged with a knowing arch in his eyebrows.
A groggy Peter emerged, a few girls walked past him and towards the portrait hole. "Mornin'" he mumbles.
Sirius was last one awake. He stumbled down, his hair a nest of black atop his head. He shook himself out like a dog and looked at us.
"Who is ready for food?" James asked.
"Who isn't ready for food! I could eat a hippogriff!" Aravyn said walking ahead of the boys and opening the portrait hole.
"I'm starting to like this girl, more and more by the minute!" Sirius laughed in Remus' ear.

At breakfast, Aravyn sat next to James, across from Sirius. She took several pieces of sausage and scrambled eggs, dumping them onto her plate.
Moony kept to fruit and James and Sirius ate large portions of whatever they had on their plates while Peter ate small bits and pieces of this or that.
"Who is going out for quidditch?" James asked.
"Me," Sirius replied through a mouthful of food.
"Me!" Aravyn said.
"Not me, that whole thing with heights," Remus shuddered.
"I'd rather watch," Peter shrugged.
"I think that...uh.... Bell guy... Something Bell, he's the quidditch captain!" Sirius stuttered.
A group of flouncing slytherins walk by, among them were Bellatrix and her sister Narcissa, Roxanne Malfoy, and Andromena Black, who was actually a good friend of Sirius as his cousin and liked the boys a lot.
Bellatrix stopped behind Aravyn and took her long braid in her hands.
"You have nice hair, Filthy," she sneered. "It'd be a real shame if something happened to it," she whispered the last part.
Aravyn calmly drew her wand and flicked it.
"Oh look, she even failed her spell!" Bella cackled. She flounced away and laughs erupted all over the hall. The back of her long black hair had been turned orange and red, with an intricate griffin on it. "What are you fools laughing at!?" She snapped.
Aravyn add Sirius were both doubled over laughing, James was wiping tears from his eyes. Even Lily Evans was smiling. Andromena winked at Aravyn and walked to the slytherin table to sit down.
Many of the slytherins looked disgusted. Finally Bellatrix caught on and rushed towards Aravyn drawing her wand.
"Cru-" she began but Aravyn was too quick, she had already used a disarming jinx to disarm the oncoming witch.
"Excuse me, miss lestrange," a kindly old voice said. "But I would appreciate it if you would return to your table and enjoy the rest of you first day of term, without hexing Miss Andonovski here," Albus Dumbledore said softly. Bella cast her eyes down and walked a silent walk of shame to sit on the end of the the Slytherin table with Andromena and Narcissa.
"Alright, mate, you are officially one of us!" James laughed.
"That was brilliant," another boy shouted from down the table, he looked like a seventh year.
After the post arrived the professors passed out the schedules.
"We have Defense Against the Dark Arts together, all of us, first class too!" Moony said looking at everyone's schedule.
"I'm going up to the tower to get my stuff!" Aravyn said, getting to her feet and heading to the corner of the castle.

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