Gryffindor Gossip

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Aravyn woke up the next morning, her head nestled in a leather jacket and her jeans still on. She looked up to see Sirius next to her in the armchair and Peter on the floor. James had collapsed on the other armchair. Someone has taken his glasses and shoes off. A note was by his side but Aravyn didn't have the energy to read it.
She set her feet on the floor, cautious not to wake Sirius. She pulled on his leather jacket and a pair of slippers then walked to the portrait hole and out towards the hospital wing.
She knocked and Poppy Pomphery answered. "I'm here to see moon- uh- Remus, " she muttered, sleepily.
Poppy looked her up and down then turned inside speaking softly to another person in the room.
"Come on in," she said, after peaking her head back out. She opened the door, just wide enough to let the girl through before closing it and walking back to her office.
Remus was the only one in the wing and sat laid in a bed, on the left row, three from the back.
She walked towards Moony, who had turned and smiled at her weakly, making him look more like he had a toothache than anything else.
"Hello, Wotcher," she muttered, sitting at his bed side. He had deep purple circles under his eyes and bruises on his cheek bones. She hugged him gently.
"I've never been better!" He said weakly. She smiled at him.
"You are so calm around me, you have seen a werewolf before, I take it?" He said, wincing.
"My mum, real mum, was one, that my be why I have a dog-like animagus. " she said, he didn't press any more.
Another form entered. He had long black hair and a Nirvana t-shirt on.
"Thanks for telling me we were gonna visit!" He smiled at Aravyn. "James and Peter are on the way, they went to get the stuff!" He winked as moony.
Just as Sirius took his spot next to Aravyn, James and Peter walked in, their arms full of goods.
"Alright, the load!" James said setting his armful down on the table next to moony. Toblerone chocolate, Hollyhead Harpies stats, and the new weird sisters album on a Muggle iPod were dropped on the table.
Remus reached for the chocolate first opening the triangular wrappings and breaking off a piece.
They say together all day, only looking away from their chatting when there was a knock on the large oak doors.
Poppy rushed towards the door and peaked out. She exchanged words then opened the doors just a crack. Professor McGonagall strode and and right towards their little group.
"Mr. Potter, I need to talk to you about your duties as a prefect," James went pale. He got up stiffly and went over to talk to the grey haired woman. Aravyn and Sirius held back snickers as Remus read a few more pages of his book, Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, and Peter was clicking his teeth.
After a long heated discussion, James walked back over. "Mr. Lupin, please get better, we need you in class, another girl transfigured her text book into a gerbil," she smiled at him and walked out.
"So what'd she say?" Remus asked James.
"Uh, well" he took the note from this morning out of his pocket. "She wants me to make sure that I am keeping up with my duties, helping Lily as head girl and all, keeping everyone in check. Oh and she knows that Aravyn and I hexed a few seventh year Slytherins the other day for Ted," he sighed.
"Alright mate, anything we can do to help?" Sirius asked.
"Uh, try to keep everyone in line and make sure when we are doing mischief, that Remus has approved it!" He sighed again.
The five sat there until nightfall when Poppy sent everyone away.
" 'Aight moony, sleep well?" James said. Aravyn hugged Remus and went on with the rest of the boys back to Gryffindor tower. Sirius collapsed onto the sofa and Aravyn pulled him back up to his feet.
"C'mon, up to your bed," she urged him, walking him towards the boy's dorm. "Get him up there won't you two?" She asked James and Peter who mumbled agreements.
She pulled off her jeans and fell upon her blankets, fatigue taking her.

The next morning, Lily Evans shook her awake, "First Hogsmead visit of the year," she said.
Aravyn got up sleepily pulled on a pair of black jeans, a Gryffindor sweater and knotted her hair, messily, at the crown of her head. She pulled another head band, cut from the bottom of an old maroon hat, around her ears to keep away the fall chill. She reached to the end of the bed where Sirius' leather jacket usually hang, and remembered he had taken it back yesterday. She turned instead to Lily.
"What are they chatting about?" She asked.
"Oh probably just gossip, you should go see," she shrugged.
Aravyn walked up to them. "What are you all talkin' 'bout?" She asked smoothly.
"Who likes who!" Said Prea Patil.
"Speaking of," said Violet, "I heard that Jax McCarthy, oh hush!"( for a few girls had oohed and awed)" Jax fancies you!" Violet winked at Aravyn.
"Well," she said looking at the jealous glares of some of the seventh years, "he is all yours ladies!" She said, walking to the door and down the steps.
Sirius and a large group of Gryffindor boys were at the bottom of the steps. "You coming to Hogsmead then?" He asked, looking at her attire.
"No, Padfoot, I'm going to a nice stroll through the Forbidden Forest!" They said sarcastically, winking at him.
They, and the rest of the boys walked down to the front gate and let the caretaker, Filtch, check them in.
"I'm going with Andromeda, meet you guys later," Aravyn said.
"Wait! How do you know Andy?" Sirius asked.
"Met her in potions!" Aravyn winked. She headed off towards Honeydukes as the boys walked towards Zonko's joke shop.
" 'ello, Andy!" Aravyn said, hugging her friend.
"Hello!" She said.
"How is life with the slimy people?" Andromeda chuckled and shrugged.
"I'm related to half of them but, they are assholes!" She told her, "ooh! Sugar Quills!" She exclaimed picking up a sugar quill.
They chatted for a while, browsing the shops.
"Your resemblance to Bellatrix, it's remarkable!" Aravyn said. "Except for the greasy hair and dark eyes, you are very similar!" Andromeda rolled her eyes laughing.
"Hey look, it's that McCarthy bloke! I hear he fancies you!" Andromeda whispered, walking past a dirty blond boy in a hat, and his friends.
"I fancy someone else actually!" Aravyn said, walking ahead of the dumbstruck Andromeda.
"Who?!" She shout-whispered. Who indeed, Aravyn really hadn't meant to say it, it just sorta slipped out!
"Sirius!" Someone shouted from in front of them. James sprinted into view, rounding the corner and running right towards them.  He ran up to the girls, a rye smile on his face. Sirius sprinted out a moment later, slipping out in puddle. He hopped up to his feet and ran into a nearby ally way, turning into a dog and trotting over to the group. Aravyn leaned onto one knee and petted the big, black dog's head.
A portly man ran out a moment later, covered from head to toe in green moss-like slime.
"Have you kids seen that kid with the black hair?" He asked.
"Yeah, right there sir!" James said pointing at another boy with long greasy black hair and an oversized nose.
"Come here you little brat!" The man grabbed Snape by the upper arm and pulled him away. Aravyn was leaned into Sirius' fur, laughing; James was on his back clutching his stomach, Andromeda hid her snickers by coughing into her hand.
Sirius changer back, once the coast was clear, Aravyn stepped back, her face red from laughing and blushing.
"What in Merlin's name was that?" Andromeda asked, hiccuping.
"Exploding Moss Puff! A design of my own invention!" Said Sirius proudly.
Aravyn laughed. "Brilliant, really!" James said, patting his friend's back proudly. "Now then? Who wants butterbeer?"
"Sorry, mates, I can't, Narcissa expects me to be at Scrivenshafts in ten minutes!" Andromena said, hugging Aravyn and Sirius and waving so long to James.
"Alright, to the Three Broomsticks!" James said, putting his arms around his friends.

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