A very "Stormy" day

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Devil cookie woke up this morning very early what's pretty unusual for them because devil would never wake up before 11AM but now it's 6:30AM and they aren't tired at all what's weird they're only would wake up if....

Something or someone is looking at them ....

Devil turned around and realized that they left the window open.

"Fuck.. " They thought but now it is too late because someone is already in their room. Behind the wardrobe they heard a sound.

"Who's there?! Come out
now, or else!..."

Angel cookie or something that used to look like them, stepped out the corner and looked down and start whispering:
"shame on me.. Shame on me..."

Devil needed a second to realize it's Angel cookie because Angel looked awful their curly, blond gold looking like hair looked like a big mess, their white dress looked dirty and their cyan blue eyes are looking darker then usual and their wings are losing everytime Angel moves some feathers. All in one does Angel look like someone who haven't slept for days.

"How the- what happened to you and wtf your doing in my room!? "

"Remember when I told you that I think about to living on a cloud? "

"Hmph- no because I have better stuff to do then listening to you"

"Welp it was a dumb idea... "

" Your dumb too " Devil thought

"I climb on a tree to get on a cloud but it was really windy that day and then the wind took me and the cloud away from the kingdom... I was scared I don't remember what happened I just know that the cloud got smaller and I saw the open window and before the cloud disappeared completely I jumped through the window to safe myself. But anyways can you tell me how far away the kingdom is? "

"No and even when I could it will bring nothing. "

"Why? "

"How dumb are you, it's stormy outside if you go outside your will fly away or your getting soggy by the rain and because of you is now the floor wet! "

Devil pointed on the wet floor and Angel then first realized that their wings are really wet.

"Listen idiot! Your have to stay here or you die but there some rules you have to follow ok? "

"Ok what are the rules? "

"When your haven't noticed yet I live with Fire spirit cookie together because I'm his assistant and hes my master. "



"Oh sorry"

"Hmph- ok then listen Fire spirit hates angels and would kill every angel he sees so we have to make sure to hide you or something like that-"

"Wait wait WAIT! I will not become a demon if you want me to tell that! "

"Are you stupid or something no! "

"Wait I have an idea"

"Yeah whatever"

While Angel is searching in the room for something devil grabbed a weird looking like notebook and a pen and start writing something.

"Ha finally, I knew you would own more then one of those! "

"Angel what are you-"

~503 word's~

a Angel and a Devil (CookieRun) (AngelCookieXDevilCookie) Where stories live. Discover now