Sleep? More Like Coma. Gimme dat Shit.

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Summary: Jace wakes up and had a moment with Wukong.

I had awoken in MK’s bed. I had a major headache. Like when I had drank so much of those fruit alcoholic beverages when I was with my friends for my first actual concert. If I remember correctly, it was a KISS Concert. Boy, was that a trip to remember. We had drove about 4 hours perhaps? Or was it 6? My brain was jumbled at the moment so I did not know of the details. That and the growing headache.
I sit up. Rubbing my temples. What was I doing before? Oh. Right. I was having some hallucinating spiritual awakening or some shit from that monkey unlocking my powers. You know, one would think this would be their dream come true on having an adventure of a life time, but in actuality, it sucks major ass. One does not take in that not only you have consequences to your actions, but you can get hurt. As well as hurt others if you are not careful. Why am I bringing this up? Cause I am realizing that I just did that. I mean, yes, I can fend for myself and my friends. Fight along their sides. But at the same time, what if I can’t control these new powers of mine? What if I hurt myself or others in the process?

As I began to get lost in my thoughts I did not realize the monkey that was clung to me before, was still with me. Xīngxīng? Didn’t that mean Star? And wukong mentioned a name before I got my ass knocked the fuck out. But it escapes me. So, anyway, as I am still in thought, Star, it being an easier thing to pronounce and remember, seemingly woke from his nap and watched me mumble like fucking weirdo. He blinked and stared at me before putting his hands over my mouth. Stopping me from my rambles. I blinked and stared at the little guy. Why had he come along? Why was he so….Clingy towards me? Whatever. I shouldn’t question much of anything due to this being either from the weirdness or perhaps it was some supernatural means. Either way he seemed to have calmed my racing thoughts.

“Heh. Sorry little guy. Just have a lot to think about.” I say to the little monkey.

Petting his head he leaned into my touch. He seemed to like me very much. And it made me happy. Maybe he can be like a therapy thing? He can help me. But it felt so much more then that. Like we had a bond that was already woven from past times. Only now resurfacing due to meeting. Have I met him before? Did I remind him of someone? And why do I always have so many questions but no answers?

I sighed. Holding the small mammal close to my chest. This was all so much. But at least I was not alone. I get up and look around….Okay maybe I was wrong to assume this was MK’s bed….and place. Yeah most definitely not. Realizing this I get up and head to what I assume is the exit to the room. Making sure to have quite footsteps.
I peek my head out and come to a small living room with what to look like small entertainment center. This looks to be Wukong’s place. Seems The Monkey King had placed me in his bed. I look around more. Star holding onto me and making chirps and what not.

“Good! Your finally awake!”

“AHH!!” I jumped at the sudden appearance of the Monkey man.

“Holy fucking shit tits don’t scare me like that!” I said as Star patted my chest.

“Heh. Sorry. But it was cute how you looked so curious like a baby kitten!”

“Baby kitten? Really.”

“I mean, you scare as easily as one too!”

“I will slap you and not have any regret.”

This monkey will be the death of me.

“Anyway, now that I have unlocken your powers this is where your training begins!”

Say what now?

“What? Right away?!”

“Yup! Due to you being a reincarnation of Huìxīng, your powers are a bit on the wild side. Plus your kinda…Er….”

“Non Athletic?”

“I was gonna say you had a nerd body.”

“What the hell is that suppose to mean?!”

“Nothing! Nothing! Uh, moving on, Let’s start slow! Not because I don’t fear you unleashing your wrath on me with no control yet of your powers.”

“What was that?”

“I-I said lets help you control your powers!”

I glared at the monkey. I could feel a little of wisps of energy around me but it seemed to be tamed.

“Wait….How is it not going crazy?”

“What ain’t going crazy?”

“Your power! Or at least your energy!”

“I have no clue. I feel pretty calm besides a bit ANNOYED.” I huffed at him. Star seemed to laugh at this. Laughing at the Monkey King’s dismay. Ah. Yes. Laugh! Laugh at his stupid hot face!!

“Well, I guess you have a bit more of a hold on your emotions I guess.”

“Welp… You should have seen me in my teens. Not so much.”

Ugh. Those were horrid to remember. So much anger and awkwardness, and the start of many doctor visits due to my mental state.

“How about we go and meditate then. Try some powers out and see what you can do for now.”

“Sounds good. But uh, question, how long was I out?”

“About almost a week.”

“Oh, ok- WAIT! A WEEK?!?!”

A surge of energy went through me and….well now there is a hole in the wall….woops. What did you expect tho?! I was freaking out!

“Okay u-uh lets calm down! Deep breaths? What was that thing MK told me, uh….shit I forgot!”

Yeah he was not helping. Lord what did I miss?! What if the gang needed me?! What if MK forgot to eat dinner?! What if Mei did something dangerous, better yet, both of em did!

During this Wukong left and soon came back and stuffed a very plush…pillow in my face? It smelled….Heavenly. And it calmed me down. Star had climbed onto my back. Watching as I touched the material and seemed to immediately calm down.

“Oh thank gods that still works.”

“...What do you mean?” I asked.

“Huìxīng used to have…panic attacks as well. And…uh… a friend made this for him. It had his favorite scents and the softest material he could find.”

I took a closer look at the pillow. It was in the shape of…a moth? Odd choice but I was always called either a black sheep or reclusive moth amoung family. It felt nice.

“You okay now?”

“Yeah…I think so…but imma keep this by just in case.”
He nods at this in understanding. Gently patting my head. I almost leaned into his touch. It felt familiar and safe. I think he knew I was holding myself back or…perhaps it was something else. Cause the next thing I knew he hugged me. Like I was gonna disappear. It was…an odd feeling that now resided in my chest. I wanted to cry? Yes I am an emotional person but…From a hug?

“Um…You okay?”

“Yeah…Just….You sound and look and act so much like them…The only missing thing is the tail and extra fur. Heh…”

“Fur and tail?”

“Maybe…Maybe me telling you about your past self will help. Yeah?”

“I suppose so.”

I say softly. Now having returned the hug. Maybe I was touch starved. Maybe that is why I am so emotional.

“So…Where do we begin?”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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