♪♫*•.¸ ᴄⲏᴀᴘᴛᴇᴙ ᵴᴇᴠᴇᴎ ¸.•*♫♪

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Sonic spent most of his day waiting for Knuckles return, underneath the docks, he did go out to see what the land dwellers do when they visit the beach, when it was nighttime he would just sing to himself, he didn't really have anyone to talk to, nor anyone back home, Knuckles is his only friend, he looks up at the empty dock, he pulls off the piece of plastic that had gotten stuck on his tail fin, the waters had gotten dangerously polluted from the tourists not picking up their trash, or them just throwing it into the ocean. The blue Merhog lets a sadden sigh, a tear rolling down his face. He looked over to see a hermit crab with a can for a shell, Sonic finds the creature a better shell that wasn't made from the land dwellers garbage. "There you go" he said the crab didn't seem to be bothered, but didn't mind either. "You don't think Knuckles forgot about me right?" The Merhog asked the crab, who didn't really respond to him, not that Sonic cared he just wanted someone or something to talk to that wasn't just pile of trash. "I really doubt that he did..." he continued. "The Fishermen brought in some blue crab this morning, I guess they were really hard to find" Sonic watched as the hermit crab scurried away, he just let out a soft sigh before starting to swim away from the dock, he didn't know where he was going he soon perched himself onto some rocks looking at the sea. It has always been like this for the weeks that Knuckles was away, the Merhog only left his spot to get something to eat, than he would be back at his spot, when he was given a chance he would start singing.

Sonic woke up to the sound of the waves hitting his body he opened his eyes to find that he was on the beach, he didn't think anything of it he rolled so he could throw himself back onto into the water, but he looked down he saw a pair of legs, and paws. He covered his mouth to stop himself screaming, to see that his hands weren't webbed anymore nor didn't have fins on his forearm he felt his neck but nothing but bare skin. He was normal Hedgehog. "H-How?..." he said to himself he pushes himself try and stay but he lost his bounce stumbling back to the sand. His legs not being used to being legs were struggling with supporting his weight. He tried again and found it easier to support his weight. Walking was a struggle since he would lose his bounce and almost fall onto the sand. As he was about to make his first step.

The Merhog jolted awake at the sound of a boat, he looked down to see that his tail and webbed hands were still there, it was just a dream...he looked over to see the boat coming to the docks, and he started to purr, Knuckles was coming home. He quickly dove into the water making his way over to the docks. He watched as everyone stepped off of the boat, he smiled when he saw the red echidna adjust his hat.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic was swimming circles around the red echidna when he stepped into the water that was deep enough for the merhog. The creature pushes the echidna down into the water. "I missed you..." he cried out.

"I know...I'm sorry...I was only thinking I'd be got for a day...but that island had a lot to offer" Knuckles said, Sonic let the echidna sit up, the Merhog opened and closed his hands, Knuckles took off his glove and let the Merhog hold his hand.

"Knuckles?" Sonic asked.


"I want to go home with you..." The Merhog admits making the echidna flinch back, he didn't know what to do sure he cared about Sonic, but he really didn't have anything to put the Merhog in besides his own bath tub, not that he couldn't afford a huge tank, and he didn't know how he would take Sonic to his house since it's not even on the beach.

"I don't know Sonic, my house isn't this close to the beach" Knuckles said.

"B-But...I don't want to be apart from you..." Sonic admits his voice a little shaken, Knuckles pulled his hand away to put his glove back on. "Sonic, I can't just carry you back to my house"

Sonic's ears pinned to his head, the Merhog only let out a whimper, he really wanted that dream to be true but he it wasn't real, not matter how close he got to the sand on the beach, his fish like features stayed, and he would end up just beaching himself like a whale, being a creature of the ocean was nothing but a curse, when he wanted to spend eternity with someone who lived on land.

"I know your upset Sonic, but this is just how we have to live" Knuckles said.

Sonic had a tear roll down his face he didn't know what to do, so he fished himself off of Knuckles back into the water. "Sonic? Wait!" The red echidna called out, but the Merhog just swam away. Leaving Knuckles behind. The echidna wanted to go after him, but it was to dark to see anything, he just hopes to apologize to the Merhog tomorrow morning.

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