Chapter 6: Impressions

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A little further along, the large cobble road under my feet leads the way to the next region, The Sizzlefruit Orchard. The burnt-ashen flatlands stretch for miles before me, only now do I see that ahead some of the foliage has survived the flames of war, and yet the road ahead seems to go on forever. Even with the distance I have covered so far, I can still see Marrow's castle on the horizon behind me. I keep my head down as I walk and admire all the stones that they used to build the pathway. Some are rough and some smooth, with colors that gleam like fish scales. Keeping count of the many colors and sizes of the rocks helps me pass the time by quickly, when I finally look up sometime later I find myself somewhere far from where I was just minutes ago. The wind begins to pick up and my clothes ruffle with the breeze. I continue, minding my own until the breeze turns more into a gust; causing leaves, clumps of grass, and even small rocks to blow past me. I turn around and see a carriage barreling towards me and jump out of the way before it can run me down.
The 'Mobile' Home

The carriage comes to a halt a little way down the road; a thin man jumps out and begins frantically running toward me

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The carriage comes to a halt a little way down the road; a thin man jumps out and begins frantically running toward me. I pick myself off the ground as the man makes his way over to me. His red hair is short but thick with a slight gray streak running through it. Small rounded glasses risk falling off the tip of the gentleman's nose, but he pushes them back on with his wrist every moment or so.
"Are you all right?"! He asks, concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine. You almost had me there". I say with a sigh of relief.
"The driver was under my order, I'm afraid. I take full blame for the incident". He says with remorse. "I suppose 'As quickly as possible' was a wrong choice of words".
"I'm confident It takes a lot more than a speeding carriage to kill me, at least I hope". I joke.
The man laughs. "Could I invite you inside? Walking these roads has to be tiresome; barefoot, no less"!
"Being barefoot is not that bad actually". I shrug. "Almost everyone in Minceville was barefoot, and they didn't seem to mind".
"But surely you'd rather join us than walk alone"? He asks. "I can promise a drink that will surely wet your whistle".
My eyes broaden in surprise. "Are you saying you have alcohol in that carriage"?
"Well, uh ... yes"? He is confused.
"Then what are we still out here for? I can always go for something to drink"!
We walk over to the carriage and the man hangs out of the doorway.
"I'm going to head inside and get everything prepared, I'll get you when I have finished".
Given the opportunity, I decided I should get to know the coach driver better and go introduce myself. "Hello"?
To my surprise, A centaur stands at the helm of the carriage, strapped in as an average horse would be. He is wearing a thin leather vest that looks to have seen better days; his chestnut brown hair has twigs and leaves tangled within its curls.
He flinches at the sound of my voice. "Please, sire! 'Twas an accident, no more".
"No beef here. It's not a problem".
"I beg pardon"?
"Uh ... I do not quarrel with you, and all is forgiven"?
"Kind! Oh, how kind and merciful the good sir is! Yes! I shall be in your debt".
The man swings open the carriage door and leans against it as he speaks. "I see that you've met our coach driver, Slim. An odd one, but not too odd for a centaur. We have been using his services for the past few years now. Can't find anyone faster than this one"!
"My quick feet are no match for your quick tongue, sir. It is as sharp as a blade and coated in silver".
"You flatter me, Slim". The man smiles. "Now, may I welcome you inside, stranger"?
"Of course. It was nice meeting you Slim".
"Blessings of Coroth upon you".
The man nods his head at Slim. "Continue, our destination awaits".
The man leads me inside and I take a seat in a small four-seater booth in this surprisingly large carriage. He enters a room blocked by a long velvet curtain and comes out around five minutes later with two mugs in hand. He places one in front of me and takes a seat, placing his right elbow on the table and his head in his open hand.
"Tell me a bit more about yourself. I don't even have a name to address you by".
I pick up my drink and take a sip. "BeefCake, at your service. May I ask yours"?
"Most call me Milton, after my father". He says. "but my friends call me Milo, among other things".
"Might I call you Milo"? I ask.
"Seeing as I have invited you into my carriage I suppose you deserve that right, so go ahead". He chuckles.
"What brings you to Giant's Country, Milo"?
"My old lady wanted to see some of the things she's been reading about in this new book I got for her. We're traveling to Hucrad, the village of giants".

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