Chapter 2 - Small Sleepover

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"Oh my God" Jenna says as she looks around the huge master bedroom.

Brooklyn watches Jenna take in the whole room and smiles. Then, Jenna looks over at Brooklyn and catches her staring.

Brooklyn clears her throat and says "the bathroom is to your left, would you like something to change into?"

Jenna smiles and says "sure, that's nice of you"

Brooklyn goes to her dresser and grabs a big t-shirt for her and another big shirt for Jenna along with some short shorts.

She walks over to Jenna and hands her the pjs. "Here you go" she says with a smile.

Their hands touch while she passes the clothes and they both look at each other.

Jenna quickly turns her head to the bathroom and says "I'll be quick" and heads into the en suite.

Brooklyn starts fixing the bed for Jenna by taking off any unnecessary pillows and plugged her phone into the charger. Jenna was still in the bathroom, so Brooklyn decided to change.

She took off her top and removed her skirt and walked over to the bed where she left her t-shirt. As she was about to pull the shirt over her head, Jenna suddenly walks out and immediately turns around.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" Jenna exclaims, thankful Brooklyn can't see her face as it's definitely red as a tomato.

"Jenna, you're okay trust me" Brooklyn chuckles.

Noticing Jenna hasn't turned around yet, Brooklyn starts walking up towards Jenna, to also go to the bathroom, she puts her hand on Jenna's lower back gently and said "im changed, you're okay" and walks around Jenna.

Jenna watches Brooklyn's back as she is now walking in front of her and lowers her eyes to Brooklyn's ass.

"I mean who wouldn't glance real quick." Jenna thought.

Brooklyn, who saw that Jenna just checked her out from the reflection of the mirror, smirked and went to brush her teeth.

Jenna sat on the bed, and looked around again. She noticed a mirror on the ceiling above the bed.

"Hm. That's different" Jenna then thought back earlier when she accidentally saw Brooklyn's half naked body and started putting together what that mirror might actually be up there for.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear Brooklyn come out until Brooklyn said "checking yourself out? I'll tell you now, yes, you're very beautiful."

Jenna quickly looked over to Brooklyn and blushed. "I should be the one asking you that, since it is your room and you would be the one in this bed." Jenna retorts.

"Speaking of, your bed is huge! We definitely could just share unless you starfish when you sleep too." Jenna adds on.

Brooklyn laughs and it makes Jenna smile. "I don't starfish, but if that's okay with you. I just would rather make sure you sleep comfortably, even if that means I have to take the futon."

Jenna smiles at that and gently pats the other side of the bed.

Brooklyn chuckles at the gesture and jumps in the other side of the bed. "So, first day of us meeting and we're already sleeping with each other?" Brooklyn asks.

"Hey, don't forget you wouldn't mind me as a roommate already after our first day of just meeting " Jenna banters back.

"I could be a serial killer for all we know" she adds on.

"Hmm, tempting to believe a 4'11 pretty girl can hurt me" Brooklyn jokes.

Jenna gasps, "I am NOT that short" she says.

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