Chapter 27 - Gone

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Brooklyn groaned, tossing over. She felt drowsy and her headache was a killer.

"You have to eat, Brooklyn" Jenna said again, sitting on the floor, placing herself eye level to the sick girl on the couch.

Brooklyn covered her head with the blankets. It was quiet and she thought Jenna had left.

Ever since she woke up sick, Jenna's been taking care of her throughout the day.

She's not gonna lie and say that it doesn't warm her heart. It did way more than that. Her heart was doing backflips, front flips, and fucking somersaults.

Her stomach growled and she sucked in her lips, betrayed by her own self. She pulled the blanket back and turned, coming face to face with the girl she was giving the silent treatment to.

Jenna smiled softly before holding up the bowl of soup in her hands.

Brooklyn sat up, before leaning back into the couch, feeling weak.

Jenna got up and sat down next to her, holding the bowl out.

When Brooklyn didn't take it, Jenna just picked up the spoon and scooped some of the soup blowing on it before she brought it close to Brooklyn's face.

Brooklyn glanced at the spoonful of soup, and then at Jenna who waited patiently.

She opened her mouth and allowed Jenna to feed her.

Jenna smiled softly before picking up some more soup.

This continued on until Brooklyn finished all her soup. Jenna grabbed a napkin and reached to wipe her mouth.

Brooklyn stared at her while she did so, glancing at the girl's lips.

Jenna stopped for a second, catching Brooklyn.

It was like time froze, as they sat in close proximity.

Brooklyn suddenly turned her head the other way and coughed.

Jenna quickly composed herself before she stood up taking the bowl to the sink. She stood there for a second.

"She's sick, for gods sake. Take care of her first, desperate girl" Jenna mumbled to herself.

She returned with an empty bag, and replaced the one that was filled with tissues.

"Are you still hungry?" Jenna asked.

Brooklyn shook her head no. She still hasn't said one word to Jenna.

Jenna only nodded before turning on the tv and putting on a movie.

Brooklyn watched as the girl sat a few feet away and brought her legs up to her chest, revealing she had only underwear on under her large t-shirt.

Brooklyn quickly looked away.

"Don't be a perv" Brooklyn thought, fighting to not look again.

Brooklyn used all the strength she had, and threw half of the blanket she was using towards the shorter girl.

Jenna looked down at the blanket confused, and then at Brooklyn who only pointed with her chin to the blanket.

Jenna moved closer and placed herself under the blanket.

"Good girl." Brooklyn thought.

They watched the movie in silence, neither one laughing at the funny jokes as they were both in their own heads.

Jenna could only think about snuggling into the girl.

Brooklyn could only think about how close they were again since they were sharing the blanket.

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