Chapter 11 - I Got You

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Jenna wakes up to the birds chirping. She moves her head and sees Brooklyn softly snoring. She tries to grab her phone slowly, not wanting to wake up Brooklyn earlier than she should. But, gets startled when Brooklyn's phone starts going off.

Brooklyn lazily turns over and clicks her alarm off, groaning when she moves back.

Jenna chuckles, "too early for you?"

"no, I'm sore" Brooklyn says muffled into Jenna's chest. Jenna's hand immediately threading through Brooklyn's tangled hair.

"I'm sorry, love" Jenna said softly with a smirk.

"Don't start" Brooklyn said pointedly, knowing Jenna wasn't really sorry at all.

"Come on, sleepy girl. You have work to go to." She responds, lazily drawing circles now onto Brooklyn's back.

"Mmmmmm, noooooo" She whines.

Unfortunate for Brooklyn, she is forced to get up when Jenna yanks the blanket off both of them.

"That's just rude" Brooklyn said with a pout, now staring up at Jenna grinning cheekily.

"And this is cute and all," Jenna said while spinning her finger in a circle, "but you gotta make money to keep this house up" she makes a point.

"Fine." Brooklyn says reluctantly, getting up with Jenna.

Brooklyn takes the en suite, and undresses, she pops her head out "wanna join me?" she asks cheekily.

"Go!" Jenna replies, shaking her head and laughing.

Brooklyn shoots her a playful frown and disappears into the shower. Jenna gets up and walks out. She opens her room door and sees Ciera had already woken up and left. She gets ready herself, enjoying the hot shower.

Once Jenna hops out, still wrapped in her towel, she hears a knock on her door. "Yeah?" She asks out loud.

Her door opens slightly and Brooklyn responds, "hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm leaving now. I left some breakfast for you downstairs, Danny's still here"

"Okay, have a great day" Jenna says sweetly.

"I'll still see you later for lunch?" Brooklyn asks

"Just text me when" she answers with a smile.

With that, Brooklyn retreated downstairs and left for work. Jenna had finished getting ready and saw Danny watching some tv.

"Hey booo" Danny says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hey, what's all that about" Jenna chuckles referring to his eyebrow gesture.

"Oh nothing, someone we both are very close with, one of us more physically closer than the other, had just walked down limping." Danny says in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh?" Jenna asks surprised.

"Yeah, said she fell or something..." Danny continues on with a smirk.

"She can be a clumsy girl" Jenna replies with a shrug.

"Y'all are so gay, I love it" Danny squeals.

Jenna just playfully rolls her eyes and eats her toast. Then she spends the next few hours, texting Brooklyn here and there, and watching tv shows with Danny. She waits for Brooklyn to let her know when to head over before she tells Danny she'll be back in a bit.

"You're welcome to stay here and chill, just don't burn anything" she jokes.

"Girl just go before you're late for your smooch date" Danny retorts.

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