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Wednesday Pov:

I've always hated showing emotions. Emotions such as Happiness, Excitement, Joy, Proudness, Love or any 'positive' emotion disgusts me. Especially love. That sickening feeling of my stomach swirling, the splash of pink that appears on my cheeks making the pale shade fade away, the slight smiles that somehow make an appearance onto my face, the feeling of jealousy when someone else is too close to..her.

Enid Sinclair.

The girl whose clothes are bright enough to blind you permanently. She's the cause of all this and I'd usually smite her but I can't bring myself to that. I swear, she has put a spell on me, but she's a wolf and even if she was a witch, she'd end up killing someone because her clueless and naive self wouldn't understand how to control her powers. The thought of that makes me let out a small chuckle. What has she done to me? Making me let out tiny bits of laughter from the thought of her. I have been cursed. Cursed with the feeling of love.

I've been sitting here for ages. I haven't touched my typewriter which is so unlike me but its these thoughts that are somehow distracting me. Preventing me from doing so. Enid is out. She has been out for what seems like forever but in reality, she's been gone for 2 hours. I don't know why I was keeping track of how long she's been gone for. She should be back any minute now, her and Yoko went to ask Divina if she wanted to do a girls night out with me and the two of them. I didn't want to go out with them, I just did it for Enid.

I let out a small sigh, while sitting at the edge of my bed before hearing our dorm door swing open. I see her. The blonde beauty that is Enid Sinclair.


Enid's Pov:

I can't believe Wednesday agreed to go out! It didn't even take me convincing her to make her go. Hopefully she hasn't changed her mind when I walk in here because that'll honestly break me.

I burst through the door with excitement.

"HI ROOMIE!" I exclaim.

She looks at me blankly before replying.

"Hello, Enid. You took longer than I anticipated." She says in a detached voice.

I skip over to her side of the room and stand in front of her.

"I know. I was supposed to be back an hour ago but me and Yoko decided to head to the Weathervane for a bit. Hope you didn't worry too much." I teased.

"There was nothing to be worried about." She said coldly.

I smirk.

"Sure there wasn't, Wednesday. Sure there wasn't." I say with disbelief.

I turn and walk to my side of the room, I walk across the ductape that divides me and Wednesday. That was her idea. I sit down on my bed, as I look up I see Wednesday, looking down at me with her lifeless eyes.

"Jeez, Nes. You are very light on your feet, you know? You just popped up outta nowhere." I say nervously.

"Why would I have been worried? What are you trying to say?" She asks.

Her standing over me is very unsettling, I keep glancing away due to her nerve wracking vibe.

"Enid. Tell me." She demands.

I don't speak for some reason. I'm not scared, just intimidated.

"If you wish to lose your thumbs, go ahead and stay silent. I have thumbscrews." She warns me.

I begin to speak.

"Just that you mentioning the fact that I was gone for longer than you expected makes it seem like you were worried that something had happened to me. Makes me wonder if Wednesday Addams is going soft for me."

She scoffs and backs away.

"Me? Never. No one has ever made me go soft for them, you won't be any different. I couldn't ever go soft for you, you're everything I hate." She rambles.

The intimidated expression on my face has disappeared. Not because I'm sad or hurt but because I want her to know that it's okay to worry and that its okay to care. I want her to know that I'm being serious now.

"Or maybe I'm everything you WANT to hate but you just can't seem to find a way to do so." I say quietly.


Wednesdays Pov:

Her words make me feel ill. She IS everything I hate. I don't feel anything for her. I hesitate before speaking and I don't know why.

"No. You're what I hate. I don't feel anything for you." I say.

She gets up from her bed and walks towards me, I back away as she continues to walk forwards. My back hits the window that allows light into our room. Shes now inches away from me.

"Then why are you coming with us, Wednesday? You have always rejected me when I have asked. The last time I asked before this time was 2 months ago. Something has changed in those 2 months and you're trying to hide it." She says softly.

I refuse to look at her. Nothing has changed. I haven't changed.

"Nothing has changed, Enid. Trust me."

"But sure, you don't care, right?" She asks.

I speak with my head still facing down.

"Yeah, I don't."

She takes my hand in hers. For some odd reason I let her.

"Why should I trust someone who doesn't care?" She questions.

She deeply looks at me with soft eyes. No aggression.

"It's okay to care, Wednesday. I care about you and yeah it's gotten me into deep deep shit but I wouldn't have felt better if I didn't care about you."

Her reassurance softens me up and I hate admitting that. Maybe I should tell her. Tell her that I don't just care.

I walk closer to her which seems to surprise her.


"I thought you didn't like getting too close to people." She says.

"Enid." I say more sternly.

"Yes?" I hear her answer.

I put my other hand in hers so now both of our hands are intertwined with one anothers.

"I don't just care about you."

There's a long silence between us before I confess but its broken by Enid.

"What is it, Nes?"

I sigh softly.

"I love you, Sinclair."

Im trying my hardest here so don't attack me.


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