I'm warning you.

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Enid's Pov:

I'm out with Ajax, Yoko and Divina. I tried getting Wednesday to go but she refused. Maybe it's because of Ajax, she's never been fond of him. We all decided to go to the woods, well, Yoko insisted on going even though there's still dangers out here. She wanted to go here because apparently there are some old ruins out here somewhere and she wanted to explore them, it sounds pretty interesting.

"Thanks for letting us stop at the Weathervane, Yoko. I needed this Hot Chocolate." said Divina.

Yoko smiled sweetly at her. "Anything for you."

Ajax made a pointing gesture at his mouth as if he was throwing up.

"Just because you don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean we can't be affectionate around your lonely ass." Divina says.

I look around to see if there is any signs of the ruins but nothing yet. I bet if Wednesday were here we would've found them already, she's a smart cookie. Too smart for me of course. I wish she had agreed to come, its so boring without her.

"Guys, come on. We need to hurry up. I don't wanna spend 3 hours looking for these ruins just to have to go back in for curfew. Hurry up." Yoko signals with her hand to run with her.

Hopefully we don't lose Yoko on the way, she's so much faster than us.


Wednesday's Pov:

Xavier and I are working on our art project. I wanna make sure we win this, so I've locked the doors and put drapes over the big window in me and Enid's dorm. I am not being irrational or strange. I just hate when people steal my ideas and if someone manages to steal my idea, I'll disembowel them and their whole family because I'm sure the apple wouldn't have fallen far from the tree.

"This project is gonna look awesome. Thanks for agreeing to work with me, Wednesday." said Xavier.

"Without my help, you will lose. I always win these types of things and anyone who is able to work with me should consider themselves lucky." I told him. He chuckled at my comment.

Suddenly, my head shot up, my eyes widened, my breaths were shortened
But then. I saw it. A vision. That gorgon boy Ajax, Divina, Enid and Yoko in the woods. Blood everywhere, dripping down the trees, falling from their faces. A werewolf, Enid. Failing to protect herself. Then I awoke.

I gasped for air. Xavier had his hands on both my arms like he was trying to wake me up during that vision. I looked at him with fear.

"Wednesday! Are you okay, what happened?" He exclaimed.

I try to catch my breath.

"Enid, Enid. She's..in the woods. I need to find her before something bad happens to her." I say panicked.

I rush to unlock the dorm door and as soon as I do, I bolt out. Xavier tried to catch up to me but he lost me within the thick crowds of the school.

The woods. That's where they are but there's so many places where that could be. I need to remember what I saw.

I close my eyes and breathe to try and remember. Then it came to me, A lake, ruins, a tree hanging over the ruins. Thats all i can remember but I think I know. A tree hanging over ruins only makes me think of one place they could be. I need to get there quick.


Enid's Pov:

Yoko thinks we're getting closer to the ruins but even if we are getting closer, I don't want to be here. I feel so unsafe. I should've just stayed with Wednesday, I dont want something bad to happen.

“Guys, I think we should go back. It seems really dangerous here, its creepy too.” I tell them.

Ajax chuckles. “Wednesday is dangerous and creepy but yet look at you both. Still best friends.”

Yoko and Divina stop and turn around.

“Enid. Did you not tell him?” Yoko asks.

I look around to see them all staring at me for an answer.

“T-tell him what?” I stutter.

Divina sighs and begins to speak. “You're not that dumb, Enid. You know what we're talking about?”

“Wait wait, did you and Wednesday stop being friends??” Ajax says with a slight smile, I guess thats what he was hoping for but I shake my head.

“No. We're just-” I try to tell him but I can't.

“Can we just hurry up and get there? I wanna go home.” I say frustrated. I walk off before any of them can answer back. Yoko ran to catch up to me.

“I'm the one who knows where shes going. Remember, Enid? You don't have to tell him but just don't try and take the lead out of frustration. We don't want a lost puppy on our hands.” she said softly.

I just wish I was with her. She's all I think about now and I'm not complaining. She's a beauty, even if she is the most boring when it comes to fashion. Although, she'd look really good in a dress. I wanna see her in a dress. I wanna hold her in a dress. Maybe I sound creepy but I'm just so in love, who thought that a girl like me would end up with a girl like her. Not only are we opposites but she hated me at first and now she tells me she loves me.

My thoughts are interrupted by someone calling my name.

“ENID! ENID! ARE YOU HERE?!” I hear. Its Wednesday. “Is that Addams?” Ajax asks but I ignore him.

“WEDNESDAY?? WEDNESDAY!” I shout back.

I look in the direction the shouting is coming from, then I see her. My little Raven. emphasis on little because she's smaller than me. She looks so worried, maybe something happened back at Nevermore.

“Enid. You need to get out of here. Now.” She tells me. I look at her with confusion and worry.

“Why, Nes?” I ask her.

“I can't explain right now but all of us have to go now. Right now.” She says as she gently takes my hand. She was about to take me but then I felt a hand, that wasn't Wednesdays, grab my other hand. It was Ajax.

“What's going on, Addams? You caused something again?” He
accuses her. She scoffs and tries to pull me away from him. “Come on, cachorra . If the gorgon wants to stay, I have no problem with that but you're coming with me.” She demands. Ajax's face turns.

“She's not going anywhere with you. Didn't realize you were on the nickname basis now.” he says as he grabs my hand more aggressively. “Ow!” I say in pain.“Then you must be deaf as you were right beside her when she called me ‘Nes’. Now, I'm warning you, gorgon boy. Let go of her.” She growls. “What do you care, Wednesday?” He asks with frustration in his voice, determined to have me stay. She's going to tell him. Well, at least he'll know.

“She's my girlfriend, you snake infested being. Not yours. Now, let go of her or else I'll make you.” Her words surprise him enough for him to loosen his grasp on my left hand, as she felt my body become more free to her, she took her chance to run with me back to Nevermore. She then shouted back to the rest of them. “THERES SOMETHING COMING! YOU NEED TO RUN!”

I hope they listened to her. I know me listening to her was the right thing to do, she'll always protect me. No matter who or what is coming. I am her number one priority now, she makes that very clear.

Im sick asf rn so if this is bad then im sorry but like ill try harder next time promise.
i also changed perrita to cachorra...no reason for that

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