Chapter 1

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They eventually land on the island where the massive dragon Queen made its nest. Hiccup takes a steadying breath. "Do it." Toothless fires a powerful plasma blast at the side of the mountain, opening a massive hole in it. A second blast reveals the walls are lined with dragons of all kinds. Rather than attacking, they all fly away. Hiccup and the dragons become very tense. "Wait for it."

As if on cue, the soon-to-be-named Red Death crashes through the side of the mountain, revealing its true size. Hiccup staggers in fear. "Ok, that's a lot bigger than I imagined. Let's go!" He quickly mounts Toothless and flies up with his dragon squad following them. Hiccup watches as the Red Death shakes off any lingering stiffness, taking the time to analyze it. "It's a big target at least. That tail is something to avoid, and its eyes are tiny, so it must rely on hearing and smell to get around." He quickly relays a plan to Toothless, who communicates with the newly freed dragons. The Gronkle and Nightmare hang around its head, making random noises to confuse it. The Zippleback flies in front of it repeatedly to draw its fire (literally), the Nadder occasionally pushing the two headed dragon out of the way of incoming infernos. And the Terror... it clings to Hiccup in fear.

Evidently the massive tyrant had enough and shakes it head side to side, knocking the Nightmare from the sky. The Gronkle however, manages to use its stubby legs to hold onto the massive dragon's head and looks at its beady eyes before smashing its club tail into them. Hiccup looks on in pride. "Ok bud, let's finish it off. It has wings, let's see if it can use them." Toothless dive bombs the Red Death and sends his most powerful concussive blast into its head, both gaining its attention, and knocking the Gronkle away. The stubby dragon feebly hovers in the air before crashing into the beach of pebbles and falling onto its back. The Red Death spreads its impressive wingspan and takes off after the duo.

In the clouds, Hiccup looks around frantically. "Do you think it worked?" The Red Death rises up from the cloud cover, looking very angry. "Yep, it worked." The Red Death crashes through several sea stacks in pursuit of the dragon and his rider, not even fazed by them. "How strong is this thing?" After a few more maneuvers, Hiccup smirks. "Time to disappear." Toothless flies into the clouds, effectively becoming invisible. His iconic screech fills the air as he fires on the Red Death. This aggravates it to the point it doesn't even care and wantonly spews fire in all directions. As unfocused as it is, it has the desired result, skimming Toothless' prosthetic fin, causing it to catch fire. "It's ok Toothless, we just gotta hold on." Hiccups reassures his dragon. "Up." Toothless darts straight upward, regaining the queen's attention and it follows behind, its large size making it slower going up. It readies its gas to fire while Hiccup holds his breath. "Hold. Now!" Toothless turns around and fires into the Red Death's mouth, triggering a chain reaction of fire igniting inside the tyrant. However, it attempts to curl in on itself, leaving its club tail in Toothless' way, and with his prosthetic fin completely burned away, he couldn't turn and gets smacked, Hiccup falling from his saddle in the process. The Red Death crashes on the beach of the Nest, causing a massive explosion that Hiccup is headed right towards. Toothless desperately flaps his wings in an effort to catch up to his rider, and just barely reaches him when the fire envelops them both.

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