38 - A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone

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Three knocks. Three persistent knocks.

I am desperate.

For the first time in my life, I am completely and utterly desperate. Suffocating desperate. If anyone put a pillow on my face in an attempt to kill me, it would be like a tickle compared to what I feel right now.

According to scientists, three of the biggest fears that hold people back in life are fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, and fear of disappointing others. How monstrous would the magnitude of these three be if you had felt them at once?

Can the word desperate even describe the feeling? I doubt.

My knees are wet from the cold puddle of water I kneel in, but that's the least that concerns me. Two of the guys are holding my arms, putting pressure on my shoulders, and the third one is keeping my head straight by pulling my hair.

I am unable to move, and the air from my lungs feels like arsine. I try to shout, but my screams are nothing more than muted sounds stuck in my throat.

He hovers over her, pressing his filthy body on my girl and grabbing her beautiful hair as if he wants to rip it off. She's crying, river tears flowing over her pink cheeks, and I can't do anything to help her.

His grimy hands slide up her naked thighs until they disappear underneath the hoodie she's wearing. With a quick move, he exposes her ass, and I struggle to break free but in vain.

Three knocks. Three persistent knocks.

My heart cannot keep up with all the blood pumping in my veins, an atrocious mix of cold and warm sweat scratching my skin, becoming so itchy I can mistake it for scabies. I can't understand what happened.

I thought she had already kicked his ass. I thought she managed to put him down in such a way he won't ever forget her face. Not that it would be possible anyways. And now what? I'm forced to watch him rape her and do nothing?

"Jungkook, do you mind if I borrow her?"

His words haunt me, sounding as loud as rockets launching next to my ears, but his lips are not moving. His voice is distorted.

"Jungkook, do you mind if I borrow her?" I hear the words again, but two voices are saying them.

Waves of laughter.

Her screams.

Three knocks. Three persistent knocks.

"Jungkook, do you mind if I borrow her?"

Her cry.

I am suffocating.

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