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Naruto looked about as his friends all had their Hitai-ates on various places, he was happy that all his friends were ninjas now and he couldn't wait to show it off to his dad, the two at the ramen stand, Anko, Gai and anyone else he could think of. He was so proud that he was a ninja and he was nearly ready to start jumping around all over the village on the rooftops shouting his lungs out that he was a Genin. Unfortunately knowing his dad he was going to be late again, but he was just happy that he passed. He saw his other friends being congratulated by other family and it made him smile under his mask.

"I see you passed too Naruto," said a family voice behind him. He quickly turned to see Hinata with her father, uncle and Neji there.

"Yeah you got it Hizashi-san," Naruto said smiling and scratching the back of his head although it was actually Hiashi that was speaking to him and once again he was fighting off the twitch that had been forming for years from Naruto constantly getting the two brothers mixed up. Of course Naruto knew which was which but he liked to annoy them because railing a Hyuga was so much fun because of how much effort you had to put into it.

He swore one of these days he would break through that Hyuga exterior.

"Naruto," Hinata muttered knowing her father and uncle hated that game of his.

"Yes Hinata-chan?" he asked her innocently.

Hiashi just gave a low sigh and tried not to get a headache from stress at this point, "So did you do well Naruto?"

"You bet I used my super new jutsu that my dad taught me, I may even beat Sasuke-teme out of the genin of the year with it and it will serve the arrogant bastard right if I did." Naruto said confidently.

"The Uchiha Clan was very powerful Naruto their clan helped to form this village and as the last he as much to prove," Hiashi said to him and he couldn't help to add in one more thing, "Besides from what I hear he was ahead of you in all the written tests was he not?"

Naruto face soured at that, he was never very good at the written stuff and Hiashi knew it. It was a small victory for the adult against the boy for once again mixing him up with his twin on purpose. His face had a small twitch again but this was in the corner of his lips this time as he fought back a small smirk as it would not be dignified. But still he was glad to get a shot in at the boy now and then just to repay him for all the years he tried to get on the nerves of him and his brother and other Hyugas as well.

"So Naruto I take it Kakashi is running late again," Hizashi said to Naruto.

Naruto grumbled something about buying his father a watch with preset alarms but just shrugged it off he was used to his father being late all the time anyway. He knew that his father would be proud of him when he saw him later anyway.

"So how did you do Hinata-sama?" Neji asked his cousin.

She blushed a bit as everyone started to look at her and she looked at the ground nervously playing with her fingers, "I-I did well, Iruka-sensei said I made fourth highest in the class."

Her father frowned a bit as he thought about that, "I see well I am glad that you passed daughter although I can see that the Uchiha boy and Naruto would most likely be in the top but who else did you lose to?"

Hinata winced as her father used to term 'lose' as she still couldn't beat her own little sister in sparring matches. She looked disappointed when she said that Sakura managed to get the top marks out of the Kunoichi of the class and she could see that her father was disappointed that she had been beat out by a girl that was not even from any clan and whose family had no known or famous ninja in it. Hinata was left feeling like she had let her father down although he never said anything about it she could tell that he was.

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