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The next morning found the ninja teams rested and nearly ready for action. Although Hinata felt better her body was still stiff and even Sasuke was feeling it but didn't want to let it show. Kakashi was said he wanted to sleep in a bit more to recover from using his sharingan although Kurenai wasn't sure it was because he just wanted to be lazy. She was still having a hard time trying to see through the man when he was putting on an act or if he was serious of not. So eventually they made their way down to the kitchen, it was a tight fit but they all managed somehow to find a place at the table.

Tsunami had done the best she could for all of them, but with the village in such a poor state finding enough decent food was hard. A lot of the food that you could buy there was little of it, over priced and not in the best condition either. But she never let it show after all she had to keep up hope even in the most hopeless of times. That was why her father was building the bridge, to change things for the better. She looked to see the young children were doing their best to eat and not say anything about the food.

Although she did wonder how the short one in the mask seemed to be eating with his mask on, the others around him kept looking as well but you never saw him take off the mask. Then he noticed her little boy, Inari. He was looking down not looking at the guests it broke her heart to see her precious little boy like that. Although she was hurting as well, after his biological father had died it was hard to go on. But then Kaiza came into her life and she learned to love again, he had been such a great man and a greater father to Inari. Then she lost yet another husband to that man Gato, he took one of the best things out of their life and made her child watch as well as the village as he tortured and murdered him.

She still cried herself to sleep at night when no one was looking it just hurt so much not to have him around. Sometimes it was easier to ignore the past and the pain with it but she had loved him so much it was too much to just forget he ever lived. She went back to putting away the dishes so no one would see the tear falling from her face.

"I'm telling you guys we're going to make sure that bridge gets built!" Naruto proclaimed, after seeing the entire town the genins were motivated to help this place out. This was the kind of thing that Naruto had hoped he would do, saving people and protecting the innocent. He knew that not all ninja jobs were like that but that was why he liked this so much.

Akamaru barked out something.

"Yeah I agree boy," Kiba grinned. "This place could use the help."

Shino nodded too, "Even though out mission is to protect our client, the end result of his work is a good bonus that comes with our work. I must admit that seeing the condition in this village I can say that letting such a force to run rampant would only spread, eventually if he's not stopped he could bring his practices into the Fire Country and many others."

"So you want to stop him too huh?" Kiba smirked. Normally Shino was very logical and put his emotions aside but he guessed that even all of the suffering of this village had to get through to his teammate.

Shino gave him a pointed look, "When dealing with a cancer you should cut it out before it spreads and from what I can see this Gato person is the definition of a cancer."

Kiba gave him a weirded out look, "Man...that was pretty cold."

"We'll he's got the right idea," Naruto smiled, "We protect the old man and if that Gato jerk shows up we just kick his ass!"

"Yeah and I'm sure the village will be better off," Sakura said.

'Hell yeah! We'll kick his ass and any of his followers and any other ninja he has, shannaro!' Inner Sakura shouted out fisting her hand into the air in Sakura's mind.

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