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Kakashi had just left Naruto and ran a hand through his long silver hair, it had been a long night and he hoped he would be able to get some sleep since he had a meeting tomorrow with the other Jonins about the teams. He mentally shrugged he could always sleep in at any rate there were some pluses to constantly being late and people expecting it. He was about to turn in when of course someone was at his door. He signed in irritation at who would come to their home in the dead of night and walked over and opened the door.

There stood Anko of all people which was a surprise for him.

"Hey Kakashi I-" She stopped dead in midsentence as her eyes widened a bit. She at first thought she was at the wrong house because the person that opened the door was the most handsome man she had ever seen. His face was practically perfect, a strong chin, perfect lips, flawless skin that almost made her jealous and even though one of his eyes were covered she could see someone that could make any woman's head turn.

"Anko what is it?" The man spoke.

It was then that she realised that this was Kakashi, he had his mask down and she was seeing his face for the first time in years. She had finally seen it and she was totally taken aback by it.

'Oh god he's gorgeous why the hell does he keep that hidden away!' She thought as she struggled to speak something. 'Oh god pull yourself together Anko this is Kakashi remember? You're friend and father to the brat? The guy reading those perverted books...who had the best looks in Konoha-snap out of it damn it!'

"Uh...mask," she managed to get out.

He looked at her confused and then his visible eye widened and he quickly went for his mask he had forgotten to pull it up with his little heart to heart with Naruto. He saw the slight blush on her face as she was pulling herself together and he signed. This was why he kept it covered although he never got what people saw in his face it was just a face after all.

"So any reason why you're here?"

"Huh?" Anko asked and shook her head, "Oh right I just wanted to know how Naruto was doing I heard something went down with that bastard Mizuki."

Kakashi sighed and let her walk inside they sat on the couch as he told her everything that Naruto had gone through including learning that he was adopted and of the fox. Anko by the end of it looked livid and ready to kill someone she was pacing the floor muttering all kinds of sadistic and disturbing things. Kakashi was impressed with her knowledge of the human body and wondered if some of the things she said were actually physically possible.

She was still in the middle of it when he heard more knocking on the door, he sighed and got up checking his mask just to be sure and found Gai there with Asuma and Kurenai.

"I guess you all heard as well?" Kakashi asked pretty much guessing from the serious looks on their faces including Gai and when he got serious you knew that he was taking the matter with a serious intent that was surprising. He let them in as they found Anko still muttering death threats.

"How long has she been like that?" Asuma asked him.

Kakashi shrugged, "She started on A and now it seems she's gone into the Vs...I didn't know there were that many torture methods and curses that started with that letter that's kind of impressive."

Kakashi pretty much retold them then entire story and by then Anko had calmed down enough to sit down again.

"I can't believe that he would do that to children no less," she finally finished her tirade if there was one thing she couldn't stand was children being lied to and used mainly because of her own experiences as a young genin. She didn't remember a lot but she had looked up to her sensei and then he had placed the curse mark on her and threw her away leaving her alone in the world. Naruto had become someone special to her like almost a family member and knowing how hurt he must be from everyone keeping that secret from him and not telling him had to hurt like hell.

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