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A day after, Cale packed all the stuffs he needs and put it in his back. He plans to go around the forest and find a new place to live. Travelling until sunset, Cale decided to find a place to stay the night.
“Guess this will do”
Cale looked at the hole in a tree that he finds. It has a lot of dried grass and weed that are use for bedding, and there are also some leftover nuts that are scattered on the floor.
‘It looks abandoned, and it seems no one is using this house anymore. Might as well sleep for the night here’
Cale removed some of the grass and change it into something new to make a comfortable bed and sleep there soundly.
Under the bright moonlight, a golden fur shines from the light that’s reflecting on it. Its back looked tired as he carries a sack of nuts.
“I want to go home and rest. I am sure my bedding must’ve dried now for how long I didn’t come back”
The golden squirrel sighed at that thought.
The heat of the sun woke the fox up, he immediately got up and rearrange the bed that he used. After cleaning some things up, Cale feel his stomach grumble.
“Ah. I’m hungry”
He decided to go out for a while and get some food.
After a few hours, Cale came back with fruits on his mouth. While walking his way back on the hole, he noticed that something is shining inside.
“That wasn’t there before…”
Cale run into the hole and was greeted by a sack of nuts and a sleeping squirrel on the bed that he used. Cale observed the sight for a while until he came into a realization.
“A hole in a tree, grass bed and…nuts! A squirrel! Why didn’t I immediately notice that?”
“But why did he only come back now?”
Cale was locked into his thoughts that he didn’t notice that the squirrel is slowly waking up.
“Umm. Excuse me. But are you the animal that changed my bed?”
He was surprised from the sudden voice and look at the squirrel. He noticed that there’s a dark circle under his eyes. He answered.
“Yes. I thought that that bed of yours is kind of old now sa I change it”
‘I mean since I am going to sleep in that bed, I should change it into something new’
But it seems that he was misunderstood as the squirrel looks at him with ‘how-can-there-be-such-a-good-animal-look’.
“How can I repay you of this? For you to change my bed and even clean the place even though you don’t know me. Ah, by the way I am Alberu. I only have nuts here since this the only thing that I’ve been collecting for the past weeks. Here, here. Get some. “
The red fox was dumbfounded as he receives the nuts. But he immediately come to his senses and tried to give the nuts back.
“I am Cale. But you really don’t have to do this I – “
‘Did it for myself’
That was what Cale was about to say when he was cut off by Alberu.
“No, no I insist. I am sorry this is the only thing I can give you, Cale”
The fox sighed and put the nuts on its bag. He feels guilty. He looks at all the nuts when an idea came to his mind.
“No, its okay. I should be the one thanking you. Here., I plan to eat that while I travel but I can give this to you”
‘Since I use your bed without asking’
Cale give the fruits that he got earlier in the forest. Alberu seems confused as to why he should be receiving thanks but happily hold the fruit that he received.
‘Cale is really a good person. After I told him that I only have nuts, he gives me his fruits even though he needs it for his travel. What an angel’
Alberu thinks he can see a holy light coming from the back of the red fox.
Cale feels uncomfortable from the looks Alberu is giving him but decided to brush it off.
“Then I think I would be on my way. Goodbye and nice to meet you, Alberu. Thank you for the nuts”
“Yes! Nice to meet you too, Cale. See you again”
Cale waved goodbye to the squirrel and continue his journey.

The Journey of the Red FoxWhere stories live. Discover now