How to become a Slender Proxy

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Whatchup guys! If you want to become a Slender Proxy yourself, then, better take a look at these. Enjoy!

Define Proxy: a servant and/or helper to the mythical creature, the Slender Man. Proxiesare said to be the Slender Man's only human connection to the outside world. A Proxy's duty varies depending on what tasks their Master assigns to them. A few examples are: maintaining order in the Slender Woods, translating their Master's thoughts and speech to others, even going as far as 'taking care of' those who are in their Master's way. Whatever the Slender Man wants, it is the Proxy's job to make sure it happens, cleanly or not. It is assumed by many that the Slender Man sees its Proxies as simply nothing more than personal property, or mere toys. Popular belief states that the Slender Man chooses its own proxies, but there are some who have managed to... 'enlist', let's say, on their own.

"Before I begin, I would like to give you some advice. If you want to become a Proxy, make sure you are ready for anything. Once you become a Slender Proxy, there is no turning back. Once you have been converted into a Proxy, you serve the Slender Man for life. No questions asked. Only death will part you from your Master. Remember, you are easily replaceable, so I suggest that you don't get on the Slender Man's nerves. There are rumors that if a Proxy should ever be disloyal or disobey their Master, a fate worse than death awaits them.

The Ritual
(Note: all steps MUST be completed correctly. Otherwise, you will most likely die.)

1) At midnight, when the moon is new, go out into the forest or woods. As long as the time is close to midnight, such as 11:59 pm, you will be alright.

2) Walk deep into the forest or woods. If I were you, I would take a well-known path, so you do not get lost or become the . Do not try to take an unknown path. If the Slender Man is there, he will attempt to make you lose your way.

3) Bring a flashlight. DO NOT BRING A CAMERA OR OTHER RECORDING DEVICE OF ANY KIND! This ritual is private. No one else may know. Cell phones are acceptable as long as you are ONLY using the built in flashlight. Once again, this deal is .

4) As you walk, keep your eyes on the ground in front of you. Should you look up and see him, you will become his . He will most likely be watching you. You will know he is watching you when your flashlight starts to flicker (Note: in the case of a cell phone, static will play on the screen and the light will flicker). You will also experience the phenomenon known as 'Slender Sickness' which consists of: headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea, blurry vision, numbness of hands and feet, and bleeding of the nose. (Note: should you experience these effects, DO NOT RUN AWAY! I REPEAT, DO NOT BACK DOWN! The second you run, you become its .)

5) Once your flashlight (or cellphone) begins to flicker and you feel sick, come to a complete stop and close you eyes very, very tightly. DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES FOR ANY REASON. No matter what you feel, what you hear, or what you think, DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES. If you should open you eyes, you will become the .

6) This part is regarded as the most important part of the ritual. During this part, you will begin to hear the Slender Man's voice in your mind. Once again, do not, under any circumstances, open your eyes. The Slender Man will ask you questions, when he does, answer it honestly. Truth is the key. You may feel the Slender Man touch you. The Slender Man may: place its hands on your shoulders, wrap its tendrils around your arms and/or legs, wrap them around your neck, or all of the above. The Slender Man is 'examining' you during this part of the ritual, making sure you are fit for the duty of becoming a Proxy. The Slender Man is quite picky when it comes to its Proxies. It will not try to kill you unless you open your eyes.

7) If the Slender Man finds you fit for the job, he will mark you. (Note: the marking is moderately painful. It is similar to the feeling of a dull razor blade cutting into your skin.) The mark will be cut into your skin, but quickly begin to heal. There will be blood. After the cut heals, it will rise like a scar, but turn black. The scar is in the shape of the 'Operator Symbol', which is a circle with an through it. The mark is like a tattoo; it can not come off. If you have been marked, it means that you have been chosen.

(Alternative: to those who are not classified as 'fit', it is unknown what happens to them. Once again, be absolutely sure that you are willing to devote the rest of your life to the Slender Man and you follow these directions EXACTLY.)

8) This is the final step. After you have been marked, you will pass out. The Sickness will have gotten too strong for your body to handle and therefor will result in you temporarily shutting down (passing out). When you wake up, you will be in your bedroom as if nothing happened, but the mark will still be there, and so will the memories. After that, pack whatever you think you may need. Some suggestions are: an extra set of clothes, water, food, a weapon [(knife, gun, etc.) Note: if you try to use this weapon on your new Master... I don't believe I even need to say it again.], and a flashlight (as well as extra batteries).Electronics, besides a flashlight, are not recommended since you will not be allowed to have ANY contact what so ever with your past life. If you do decided to take one or moreelectronic device with you, DO NOT USE IT TO RECORD UNLESS SPECIFICALLY ORDERED TO BY YOUR MASTER!

"Finally, it is usually the next night at around the same time when you will be summoned by your Master. . As soon as you cross the threshold of your door, your previous life no longer exists. You have succeeded in becoming a Proxy of the Slender Man. Good luck, you may need it."

Yeah... I was planning to do that but I can't. You know why? First, my parents won't allow me. They are so over-protective sometimes! I'm 12 years old for petes sake! Secondly, my self-concious can't take the fears. I'm scared of the dark. Fear of being alone can count on my fears either. But I really want to do that! I'm soooooooo sooo curious if he's real or not. Very curious. Anyways, hope you enjoy doing the ritual. Tell us your advices and comments. Oh and those who definitely just going to comment rudely... then I suggest you GET THE HECK OUT OF MY BOOK! Or something... Babye!

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