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Hello everyone, I'm here because i've stumbled across what we all know as the Slenderman. So i found him on the internet, and i got quickly sucked in. I love the paranormal and disturbing. Now as i got more involved in seeking answers and information about him, I realize that he is following me. He's come to my house too, i've seen him. Now i've come up with a couple theories, which i will elaborate on momentarily. He's visited me many times in my house, in my room, even showing up in my closet, ironically.

My first theory.

Slenderman is a demon, a malevolent entity and nothing more. A creation sent to torment us and push us to do evil. Now that explains the possession that Slenderman seems capable of. It also explains how he was supposedly around since the beginning of time. But that isn't enough for me. A demon doesn't usually manifest itself in a solid, tangible form. And certainly not one that would be visible to all. Then comes my other theory.

He is an extradimensional creation. A being that can travel freely through the fourth dimension, Space and Time. This would explain his ability to appear when and wherever he likes. This also explains how he is able to seemingly "stop time" during his sightings. At least that is what I have noted from my experiences.

I have had two or three truly notable experiences. The first was when I was hanging out with my friends at my house. We were all telling stories, trying to scare eachother, then the Slenderman came to my mind. As i talked about it, everybody could sense a notable invading prescense in the room. We started hearing noises, not noises i can describe. Just weird crap, like buzzing and whining. Then something started tapping on the windows, and we heard a giggle. That was what i found odd. It sounded as if there was a child giggling, and the pitch was lowered. We ran downstairs to get in the car and leave, and we could see long black legs through the window below the room we had been in. Deciding not to go outside, we moved into the living room and sat on the couch. Now as I am a religious person, i pull out my Christian Bible and open it, but to my surprise, the letters are gone. It's just blank pages. The last thing I remember is looking out the windows opposite the couch and seeing The Slenderman staring at us (i assume). The back door flies open, and that's all I remember. I know that my friends saw more, but they refuse to speak of it. When i woke up, I had blood dripping from my nose and mouth. This was my first experience.

Now my second was nowhere near as frightening as the former, but nonetheless frightening.

It was a school day, sometime in March I believe. I wake up at 5 am, earlier than anybody in the house. My mother wakes up at 6 am, and my father comes by around 7 am to take my brother to school. I remember waking at about 4:30, sometime around that, because somebody had opened my door. Now I'll lay down a few things right here.

1. I sleep with the door closed

2. I sleep to heavy metal, and my dad thinks that this isn't good for me.

3. My dad will occasionally arrive about 5 minutes before I wake up, and he'll come in to wake me up himself.

So my door opens, and I look up, saying something along the lines of "Dad, what the hell? I still have another hour..." I remember that he doesn't like me listening to metal while i sleep, so i quickly pause my cd player and turn back to him. But upon turning back, I realize that it looks nothing like my father, it instead looks like a suited male figure. This is where the story gets hard to tell. It's as if space and time froze completely. Like you're watching a movie of yourself. Somewhat like time paused as we stared at eachother, ending as 5 am arrived. I then remember waking up with the sweats, frightened at what I had thought to be a dream. But my radio was paused, and my door was wide open. I panicked and looked for my father, praying that he would be home, but he wasn't there. Mom was asleep, my brother was asleep. My father arrived about forty minutes later. I decided not to tell him about what had happened.

Oh, theres another occurance that comes to mind now.

It is my mother's own testimony, and just for the sake of going the extra mile, I've quoted her. She explains an encounter she had while in the hospital with me.

"I remember I was in the hospital, you ((referring to me)) were kicking and figeting inside of my womb. Now that woke me up, you've always been a strong boy you know. Now...Now there was something making you kick, i could feel how distressed you were. And then there, in the corner of the room...was this thing. ((she shudders)) It was tall...very dark, in a business suit, i believe. And he had these disproportionate, long arms...he reached for me. Well, you actually. He touched my stomach with his...arm thing, and you stopped kicking. I felt you grow very cold, it was terrifying. I was hitting the call nurse button, and then i believe I woke up. Your father and the nurses were there, and i was in such a terrible daze. But the nurses were so worried, as they said i was abnormally cold."

Well there it is again. It seems as if The Slenderman has been present in my life for quite a while. I won't get started on my grandmother, as she has too many testimonies to put here.

Now i feel uneasy as I type. Oddly enough, i feel as if he's watching me right now.

Here's my questions that anyone may answer with their own opinion.

1. What does he want from me. It's almost as if he wants to keep me from being born, attacking my grandmother, my mother, and now me.

2. I find so much information about him over the internet, but that isn't exactly 100% trustworthy. Does anyone know of any trustworthy sources?

3. I wouldn't mind contacting anyone else who has had similar experiences, so i'm leaving some simple contact info


If you contact me on either, please address me as Zodiac, as i wish to keep my identity concealed. Thanks.

I'll update this blog if anything new comes up, and I will most likely make more.

Its from the internet. Not my experience but I do got that Slender Sickness thingy. But when I stopped researching though, it stopped and... partey partey! Woohoo! No more nausea and headaches and clogged noses! Cheers!

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