Seeking Truth: Slenderman

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(Okay, all of this note was from Zeke, kay? I'll not be messing around from his note. So shutup and read.)
Thanks for the help. I read enough to get my investigation underway. I know some are just games here, but every little bit helps, believe it or not. Sorry it took so long to post, but going through all the evidence is a process and I didn't want to post until I had something concrete to talk about.

Alright...let's get started. I'll divide it up into sections:


Based off the reports, Slender Man was created on some forum about a year ago. SomethingAwful forum; how appropriate. His roots, however, go back way longer than that. I can't account for how much of this is legit, but what I've gathered is this:

From a documentary I found on Youtube, Slender Man can go as far back as the Ancient Egyptians. His form popped up in hieroglyph on the wall, hell if I know what it was supposed to mean. Medieval times is when he seemed to pop up the most; around the time this "Der Ritter" woodcut keeps popping up.

I don't know what to make of these woodcuts. They may be showing something with multiple legs, it may just be one of those "what do you see" pictures. But the picture of a knight with multiple bony legs thrusting a sword into another knight's side would definitely scare the shit out of anyone back then. And the one where the tall knight is grabbing the child through the door while the parents do nothing but watch...

The story that gave me nightmares last night was the one of the mother in the woods with her two daughters and they encounter the Slender Man. His voice told her to tell her daughters to lay on the ground and kill each other, but one of the girls wouldn't do it and ran away. When the father came home, she told him what was happening and he went to try and stop it. At the end of the night, the mother returns with the heads of the sister and the father, and said that because she wouldn't do what he said, his punishment on her would be ten times worse. And then he takes her...

Story or not, it scared the shit out of me.

After that reports have him pop up all throughout history, but the medieval times and our current time is when he seems to have done the most damage, giving about a five hundred year time span in between. What is so important about these two periods of time? What was going on then that attracted him to Germany, and what's going on now that's attracting him to America? Not the Plague, that was two hundred years before its time...though I have to wonder how much damage he did then too.

There has to be something significant about that time period and this one...any thoughts?

At any rate, he could trace all the way back to the Stone Age as far as I know. Torturing humanity since the beginning of time...

It is unknown where he comes from. That seems to be the thing no one can agree on. Whether it's from another planet or another dimension, or...he was ALWAYS here, even before we were. I've personally decided to combine the three ideas: He's from another planet, in another dimension, and has been coming to our planet even before we were created. With that in mind, it's hard to imagine just how old he is...unless there's more than one. But I'm not going to continue that thought, because the thought of a million Slender Mans would scare the shit out of any grown man...


Slender Man, as we all know by now, is a tall, stick-thin man, apparently ageless, that stands anywhere between six and seven feet tall. He has no hair of any kind, and his head lacks eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. That's four of the five human senses gone right there, and I know he doesn't operate on touch, so process of elimination means he must operate on some kind of a sixth sense. What it is, exactly, I don't know. Maybe omniscience? That would make sense, given its...unusual abilities (more below.)

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