𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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"I don't have respect to someone that I hate"——————————————————-

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"I don't have respect to someone that I hate"

"Gyuri wake the fuck up!Or we're gonna be late for school!"
This was the first thing in the morning that I heard.
Tired I ignored the words from my brother and tried to fall asleep again.
"I swear if you don't get up in-" started my brother shouting.
"Calm down!I'm already awake!" I shouted just as loud as him.
Groaning I rolled myself out of my so comfortable bed.
My school uniform was right next to
my bed on a chair.I grabbed it while rubbing my eyes.
"Hurry!"my brother shouted again.
He's so annoying.Sometimes I wish he would be gone.
I looked in the mirror as I tied the bow from my uniform around my neck. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath

"Okay I'm ready."I said fake smiling while going down the stairs.
"Finally. Now come on." He grabbed me by my arm and shut the door after he closed the door he started running,still holding my arm.
"Augh Kitae you are hurting me!Let go!" I shouted while trying to escape his grip.
"It's your fault that we will be late!"
I almost tripped but he didn't care. He even ran faster.
Finally I saw the traffic light which was across from our school.And it was green.
"Come on! Run faster."
"I can't I-" The traffic light was red again so I just stopped talking because I know if I would say one more word Kitae would freak out.
The sidewalk was full of students which pushed everyone almost on the street.
When the traffic light turned green everyone ran for their life.One guy pushed me from behind and that made me fall.
Kitae turned to me,still holding my hand.I looked at him laying on the street and felt a warm liquid rolling down from my nose to my moth.
This boy just pushed me so he won't be late.
"Why are you still laying there?Come on!" Kitae pulled me up and we arrived the school. But we were too late.
"Stop Right there!Stop,stop,stop!"
I was breathing heavily and touched my nose.On my hand was now blood.
"It's only blood.No need to cry or some shit." Kite said rolling his eyes.Wiping the blood away in my skirt I heard Yongnam speak again
"Put your name on that." A girl which seemed pretty familiar to me was the first one who wrote her name down. Just a few meters away I saw Cheongsan who was laughing at Onjo.
Onjo handed me the pen and paper so I could write my name on it.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
She smiled and was gone.
After I wrote my name I gave the stuff to Kitae.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled.Not even looking at him.
"You know how mom and that will react when the school calls.And who's fault it is?"
"Shut up.You could have gone without me" I said annoyed
"You want me to shut up?Where is your respect huh?"
"I don't have respect to someone that I hate." I said while looking at him with pure anger.
He wanted to say something but stayed silent.
I turned on my foot in the direction of the school building.Not looking back again

Walking to the school building,I saw someone familiar.Someone with a hairstyle that no one else had.Gwinam.
He was walking with his two other friends and a girl.Eunji.
I looked at them.Until Gwinams gaze turned to me.
"Oh shit no no no." I mumbled and tried to go the other way.
But my way was blocked by a tall person
"Oh sorry." I said without looking up to the guy I just ran into.
"It's okay Gyuri. No need to worry." The guy laughed slightly.I know that voice. Suhyeok.

I looked up and saw Suhyeok slightly smiling.
"Again I'm so sorry.I didn't mean to-"
"Again no need to apologize. I'm still alive so everything is fine." I laughed at his command.
"I like your laugh." He said smiling.
This beautiful smile.
I said nothing.I just kept smiling at looked down.

"Suhyeok." Onjo said right next to us.
"Hey." Suhyeok said smiling. Onjo also smiled and started walking again.
Onjo and I never really talked before.But even I noticed that she had a thing for Suhyeok.But boys are way too stupid to notice.
"So-" He began but he stopped talking.My eyes followed his and he was looking at Gwinam and his group.
"I'm gonna see you in class okay?" He asked.But before I could answer him he walked away quickly following Gwinam.
After that I decided to just go to class.Even tho I wanted to go with him.

I arrived the door from my class.I hesitated to go inside.
No one really likes me in this class.Or they just don't care me.
But I don't need friends even if it would be great and funny sometimes.
My hand pushes the door open carefully

"Hey shut up." I heard when I entered the classroom.
"Huh why?"
"Look you idiot. There she is." Wujin mumbled pointing his finger at me.I looked at them without saying a word and looked on the floor again.
I sat next to Namra.She was already studying.Like always.
She was also a really quiet one so there is no one who starts conversations.The door swung open again and I saw Suhyeok walking in the classroom going to his friends.He looked a bit stressed.I wonder what happened with Gwinam.

I looked at him.I could look at him all day and never get boring.
Suddenly his eyes wandered to me.But I realised toolate.Because now he was slightly smiling.
Uncomfortable I smiled back and looked on my table

"Hey!"  Nayeon shouted when she came into the classroom.
And that was time for me to put my AirPods on.
I never liked this girl and I can't stand her awful voice.
Then I got lost in my thoughts.

"Gyuri?" I heard silently because I'm still having my Air Pods on.
I took one out of my ear.
"Yeah?" I said nervous. The whole class was quiet looking at me.Some of them were laughing which made me even more unsure.
"Can you answer my question?" Mrs.
Park asked me,smiling.
"Uh no-I can't.Sorry" I stuttered a bit
"Don't worry.It's fine." she smiled.
"Class president?"
I put my AirPods back on and looked at my notes and repeated them in my head.

"Next Bare su stand up." I paused my Musik and looked at Suhyeok who was standing now.
"Yes?" he said while standing up.
"What's with bare-su?" Mrs. Park asked, slightly amused.
"Mmm." Suhyeok felt a little uncomfortable, I could see that.
"He hates wearing socks. He's so weird about it."
Daesu said who was sitting right in front of me. Suhyeok scoffed at the comment.
"I can smell it a mile away." the whole class started laughing except me. To be honest I didn't find stuff like that funny.
"Okay bare-su. What does the Namra say a minute ago?" Mrs. Park referred back to the actual topic.
"She was absolutely correct. A hundred percent." The class started laughing again.
"What was her absolutely correct answer then?"
I felt suddenly very strange so I got up and all eyes were on me.Again.
"Uh, may I use the bathroom?" I asked, looking at the floor.
"Of course. Go." Mrs. Park said smiling.
I went trough the classroom to the door.I felt all eyes on me.Even Suhyeoks.When I arrived the door I wanted to open it.
But something stopped me to even get out of the classroom.Someone.Someone stopped me

𝑩𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆Where stories live. Discover now