A test

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Grandpa Xia chuckled, "You are my favorite granddaughter, of course I'll give them to you."

"8% will be fine.", Lihua said. She didn't want to give the impression that grandfather was biased towards her to her relatives. Her family was constantly plotting behind her and she would become the target of Jing family too if they came to know that elder Xia favored her. 

Each of elder Xia's grandsons and granddaughters had 5% of shares each except her because of her scandal that happened five years ago. She had also received a severe blow from the public, tarnishing her reputation.

She had been set up by her cousin Meng Rui and Li Yan, her step sister, but grandfather hadn't kicked her out from the family tree. Instead as a punishment he refused to give her the shares of Xia Enterprise and sent her to US. What she had asked for was more than what her cousins owned.

The only reason why she still was in her grandfather's good book was because he knew how capable Lihua was. If there was someone who could benefit Xia Enterprise it was Xia Lihua, but the old man also had his doubts as years had passed since he had tested Lihua's caliber. It was now time to see what his granddaughter could do.

"Tang Huolin pass me those papers." Elder Xia beckoned his secretory.

Tang Huolin immediately took out some contracts from the file he was carrying and placed them down on the table. 

"Take a look at these." Elder Xia pointed at the stack of papers. "Write down the changes that you think are required to make in this project."

Lihua was expecting it. Her grandfather wasn't an easy person. He wouldn't give her the shares of the company without a test and if she failed this time she would fall down from his grace. She scrutinised his expression which was hard to read. She smiled and buried her head in the stack of papers.

She frowned as she studied the proposals. "What the-"

"What is the matter?"

"Which company is this proposal from?"

"That is supposed to be kept a secret." Elder Xia had purposely hidden the name of the company, so that she wouldn't have any biased thoughts when it came to rectifying it.

"First of all Q province was previously heavily polluted. A recent survey conveyed that the waste water disposal above coastal bluffs can add weight to weaken cliff materials. It is important to change the location for this construction project."

Elder Xia smiled. Lihua had caught on the fact that the company had failed to do a proper research on the land before making this proposal upon a single glance. After that she immediately crossed out the parts one by one which seemed to benefit the other company over Xia Enterprise. 

She didn't look up from the stack of papers laid out in front of her, completely focused in writing down the additional notes. "Overall this project is good, but it will be better if the resort is constructed near Shanghai or Wenzhou."

"What about the investment company?"

"I think choosing Miracle Investment is a good option. With the 900 million yuan, this project would succeed without a doubt." She said to him, placing down the pen. On the papers were notes written by her that pointed out all the flaws in the proposals.

Elder Xia's smile widened. She had pointed out everything that his eldest grandson Wenjin had failed to see. Xia Lihua indeed deserved to be his favorite granddaughter. With an amused expression on his face he took the papers to revise the corrected proposals. 'Hmph! As expected of my granddaughter'. 

She was his hidden weapon. He was a stubborn man who wasn't swayed by others. If he had kicked Lihua from the family then he would've lost a rare jade. 

"Alright, now eat your food." Elder Xia laughed lightly when he heard Lihua's stomach grumble which hinted that she was hungry.

"I'm sorry for that!" A heavy blush crept from her neck to her cheeks at the humiliation as she stuffed steamed rice into her mouth with a pair of metal chopsticks.

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