The Vinyl Girl

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Since the car accident Yang Lingyun had trouble falling asleep. When he turned 10 years, the sleeping pills stopped working. His insomnia was so bad that his parents were worried and contacted best doctors in the country. 

Due to his lack of sleep, he frequently felt tired in class. He used to skip school and head straight to the library in an effort to catch some sleep. 

On a beautiful spring day, the gentle breeze from the window soothed him to a peaceful slumber. When he woke up he found a vinyl record on the table and a note attached to it. 

The girl's writing style was extremely noble and elegant, like the gentle flow of holy river. Each stroke was appealing and the calligraphic technique was masterful. "If you have trouble falling asleep at home then you should listen to some classical music. It'll help you, I know your grandfather has a vinyl record player ^^"

He thought it was a farce. If well-trained doctors couldn't cure his sleeplessness, how could music? Nonetheless, he played the record at night, and much to his dismay, he fell asleep within minutes.

He went to the library the next day about the same hour and feigned to sleep, reclining on the table and burying his face in his arms. He heard a shuffle of feet and smiled to himself. 'It must be the Vinyl girl!'

"You couldn't fall asleep yesterday either? I thought it would help though. Still you can try again." The girl's words which came out barely as a whisper, fell on his ears and made him blush. Did she figure out that he wasn't asleep? He lifted his head up but the girl was gone and had left him another vinyl record. 

Amidst the whispers of turning pages, his gaze would wander, searching for something beyond the confines of ink and paper. He would always look for the girl with an unknown face. 

Is she still here or did she really leave so fast?

Lingyun soon returned to the library, he put a note between two volumes on an adjacent shelf.

"It was helpful, I need to thank you. I should treat you to a meal. Let's meet on the weekends."

She must have seen him stuffing the note between the pages because when he came back again he got a reply with another vinyl record waiting for him. "You don't have to thank me, I'm glad that you can sleep nowadays." 

Every day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, he would find himself drawn to the library, his heart yearning for a connection that he could not fully grasp. There, in a corner bathed in soft lamplight, he sat and waited for the girl who was surrounded by a tantalising haze of mystery.

"I started learning piano from today and I believe I'll soon master it. Let's play piano and violin together on the international stage one day."

"That will be a dream come true. I'll write some piano music sheet, you can try playing them." 

Though they kept communicating like that, his vinyl girl never showed him her face but she started giving him piano music sheets along with vinyl discs. 

"I want to know how you look like."

"One day you will find out who I'm." There was a cute little smily and heart emoji had drawn beside her writing.

"I don't care you are ugly or beautiful, little bird. You have already captured my heart with your voice." Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Lingyun's fascination grew into a deep longing. He wanted to know her, to unravel the secrets she held within her heart. But fate seemed to conspire against him, veiling her face in the shadows of their encounters. In the moments they shared, time ceased to exist, and their souls danced together, entwined in a tapestry of connection and yearning.

"I'll participate in Annual classical music festival, let's see if you can recognise me ^^"

"So it's a challenge? Okay, I accept it." 

Throughout the festival, he waited patiently to hear all of the classical music performances, and Mengrui's voice was the closest to the ones on the vinyl album. He felt dissatisfied, but he brushed those gloomy sentiments off, who was he expecting anyway? 

He remained standing till the last performance, it couldn't have been Xia Lihua; her voice was bizarre.  

Later he met Mengrui in private and asked her directly, "Did you record those songs for me? You are the vinyl girl?"

Could it be? Was she the very girl he had relentlessly pursued, the one who had occupied his thoughts and dreams?

Mengrui stared at him, surprised, and responded, "Yes, classmate Yang." Her eyes sparkled with unfamiliarity, and though he had never seen her face before, deep in his heart he wasn't sure, that it was she—the girl he had sought so ardently.

Xia Mengrui and him were classmates but he didn't know that she was so good at classical singing. Well basically no one knew before today so it was a bit shocking that there was such a talented individual among. 

Lingyun hesitated before giving her a wide grin and said, "Let's date." 

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