{au} hikaru x tsundere!aiger (request)

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Yooo!! New update!
I just got a request, idk why are they all requesting character x character like bruh im new to this kind of writing! Not complaining tho bcuz its fun to write those knowing the people who requested it liked it.
Request by: aiger7
Anyways im gonna try my best here okay? If it sucks let me know lol-
Anyways i did this in another universe because i mean, why not, but they still beyblade here.
"Wow! So this is beigoma academy?! Its so awesome!!! Thanks wakiya!" Hikaru said in a really amazed look "yeah, but get a hold of it, we still haven't gone into the amazing part yet!" Wakiya said a little demanding as always he does "so...you said we were gonna meet a legend here, IS IT VALT?!!!!!" Hyuga said happily "no not valt, but someone else" "do we know them?" Hikaru said "i do, and everyone do-" wakiya has been cut off by someone with a loud voice named aiger akabane! Congrats wakiya for being cutted off! Nobody likes to listen to your stupidnees anyways- "HEY IM HERE!!! WAKIYA!" "Dude calm down!" Ranjiro said trying to calm the guy down. "Hey who are those guys?" Aiger said a little confused before taking a look at the kids, well he first took a look of hyuga, he seems like an amateur blader, but when he took a look at hikaru 'what the hell is with this guy?? He looks... beautiful i guess? Wait why am i feeling this way?? And whyyy i- have i done something wrong with the gods so that they give me pain in the stomach every second i look at this guy? Oh wait thats not pain, it feels so weird tho-' "cut the crap aiger!" Ranjiro said "h-huh?" "Youve been looking intense for so long, did something happen???" Ranjiro said really worried "yeah are you alright??" Hikaru said also kinda worried. "Yeah im fine i just got lost in thoughts...wait who are you guys?!! And why are you talking to me?!" "Calm down aiger those are my students, hikaru and hyuga!" Wakiya said trying to calm down the brunette, altho we all know he wouldn't listen anyways "Nice to meecha" hyuga said happily, "yeah. And if your wondering which one of us is hikaru or hyuga, i am hikaru and this is my little brother hyuga" "its nice to meet you," "we can already battle i just have some other things to do so i might as well battle you fast" 'wha- aiger really knows how to lie this time..hes not abvious, well why did he do that? He might have something to do so lets just continue the lie with him' ranjiro thought to himself until he said "yeah we are gonna be busy today, sorry we didnt tell you Wakiya" "its okay, wait are u really rantaro's brother, your nothing like him!" "Heh, u bet i am, and i am-" "let it...RIP!" Aiger was battling hikaru as he thought he might just do it as quick as possible so he could run away from his feelings, he could never admit it but still you know, the tsundere self in him is so strong. After the battle hikaru lost "aww man i lost..." 'gah! Why the heck am i feeling that again!!' "i-its okay, b-better luck n-next time!" 'god not the suttering, what is- wait am i in love with him?? No, this cant be- i mean it can but still ughh!' "now me-me-me-me!!!" Hyuga have been yelling that ever since hikaru finished his battle, "yeah! Lets do this Achilles!" "Me and Hyperion wont back down!" Both of them said in a fighting spirit, at least thats what they thought.
"Hey ranjiro, dont you think its weird that aiger have been suttering around hikaru?"
"I mean yeah he doesn't sutter at all."
"What are you guys talking about?" Hikaru said confused, they were all whispering but what brought hikaru is that he heard his name so he got curious eventually...
Many days passed....
And hikaru and aiger were hanging out more often....aiger just finally admitted to himself that he likes hikaru, now he told captian ranjiro of course which was a big mistake, he wont stop teasing him until he confesses, so he got an idea.

Aiger: yo hikaru u here?

Hika: yeah? Is something wrong?

Aiger: nah, i just want to talk about something with you.

Hika: okay! Where d'you wanna meet?

Aiger: maybe at the academy? Yeah lets do that!

Hika: alright im going! Bye!

Anyways....back to reality
"Yo hikaru!"
"Hey whats up aiger! What do you wanna talk about?" Hikaru said hoping a little for something, aiger didnt know what it is, so he just lat it run off.
"So hikaru....ive been meaning to tell u something...." Aiger said a little blushing....
"What are you gonna tell me? That the floor looks nice? Look at me closely."
"Huh? Hehe...alright?"
"Ranjiro already told me."
"H-h-h-he did?! That little rascal! Its not real i swea-"
"I like you too"
"you do?"
"Yeah i do. Isnt that the thing you always wanted to hear? Ive always wanted to hear that coming from you."
"Oh man....i was gonna call you to ask you if you had some extra notes for our class...."
"Im joking alright chill dude! Well...uh.."
"Are you waiting for something?"
"Uh.....can i?  *Gulps* "
"You can."
As they finally had their moment, both of them were really happy because they got what they always wanted. Well at least they got their happy ending!

Another finished request!!
Did i do good?
I kinda think it sucks.
But anyways, let me know if you like it or if there are some wrongly spelled words because i suck at those things too.
Have a good day!

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