delta x fem!reader (with help)

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Hey! Im back!
Disclaimer: The picture above is not mine
I just love this guy-
Anyways thanks for the help 0dontmindmehere0 without it i wouldve ran out of ideas
(I need someone to requesttttt)
Anyways~! Enjoy some delta!
Y/n pov
One day i was with aiger as usual, being friends with that guy was hard before he became a champion, now hes more mature..its kinda weird ngl but okay, we were chatting and walking around the city, until i finally asked "aiger, is there any bladers that caught your attention lately?" When i asked that, he looked confused "why would you wanna know that? Anyways theres this guy named dante koryu, his super strong! I like his attitude!" "Oh yeah? What happened to the invincible champion who would never cheer on anyone?" I asked smirking at him "i knew you would say that, well do you wanna hear more about him?" He asked, while he already knew the answer, i dont even know why he did "of course!"

Time skip...

After that day, we talked a lot about that guy, ive been dying to meet him, so aiger suggested for me to go visit him at the im at the airport, super excited.

Another time skip (because im lazy)...

That flight wasn't bad, i mean, thanks to aiger for paying me a first class ticket, i dont even know where the heck he got that money but okay! He said he told them im coming so here we go!
"Hmmmm this should be the location...?" This should be their headquarter. i dont even know it doesn't look like it. Nevermind im entering...
"Uhhh hello?" I said nervously.... "Is this the victories?" "Yeah." Some cold voice came out from a corner. I look at the direction the voice came from, its at that moment i saw a guy with some sort of green or blue hair idk. "Hey im here for the visit, do yoy know where dante is?" I waited for an answer but the guy ignored me, i got pretty mad but well someone else replied. "His with lui, of course" some guy replied with gree eyes replied. "Oh yeah just when i came...." I said really disappointed..."im leaving right now, im going to train outside" the guy said "hey where are you going? I didnt even catch your name" "..." 'ughh his so annoying!!! He just left like that! Ughh!' "oh dont worrg he does that all the time" a girl with blonde hair said "yeah!" And....a kid. "My name is ichika nice to meet you! I believe your the guest aiger told us about?" "Yeah. And you two?" "Oh my name is taka and this is My older brother arman!" "Hey" "so...ill be staying for sometime here...waiting for dante after all that trip." "Thats so great we can train together! Wait whats your name?" "My name is y/n." "Im sure its gonna be a lot of fun! Come on!" She said energetically. "Wow ive never seen ichika being energetic! It feels kinda wrong" taka said "true." Arman agreed with him "Hey!" Ichika said scarily "okay sorry!" "Hehe! This is gonna be fun!"

Time skip~ (jeez im doing a lot of these...)

'After sometime i decided to stay with the victories, dante is a crazy guy ever since i met him i realise his the same as aiger described- i thought he was exaggerating but his not, and when it comes to delta, what can i say, his hot, beautiful, cool, everything! His just soo....i don't even know how to say it! But i hope so he feels the same. His been ignoring me all the times, he always seemed to be hiding something...i dont know but ill have to know!'

Delta pov...

'Y/n has been a huge help for the victories to get stronger, especially ichika shes with her all the time, but for me. What i think about her, is she is a cute, gentle (not really) , nice girl. I just like her, but i never really planned on confessing-'

My words have been interpreted by somebody..."hey man why are you like that? Like suuuper in deep thought! What are you thinking?" Dante said (you can already guess from the way of writing) "hmm i guess that is true." I said calmly...then look at y/n.."man why dont you try confessing to her??" Dante tried making tell her "what no way! Its hard!"
"Ughhh if you don't tell her then i will!" Dante said angrily..."wait dont actually! Im planning on doing it but how??" I said a lot confused, ive never got an idea how to. Shes just a weird girl, can never understand her. "Oh dont worry ive got a plan!"

Y/n pov...

I woke up today, changed my clothes, just like usual, well when i left the room and went downstairs, there was nobody there?! "What the hell?! Where am i supposed to eat now?? I dont have money on me i spent it last time on a new launcher!, Oh wait there is food on the table! Im going to eat!"
As i sat on the table eating my food, i noticed some type of letter? Who could do this? Nevermind let me just eat my food...
Okay now ive ate my food i can see the letter...
(The letter)
Meet me at the river place near the stadium....
Oh man i cant believe it its delta! Its the delta zackuro calling me there!! Ill be going as fast as light!

3rd person pov...

After y/n left the headquarters they (all of them except delta) enterd back and went to decorate it all...
Meanwhile y/n arrived to the place.
"Came here running i see?"
"Of course then how would i come? Driving a tree?"
"Oh come on just battle me..."
"Okay sure...." She said all disappointed, it was on her face, they battled and battled until it was 4 hours later...
Delta just received a phone call from the victories saying they completed the decorations and left. So he took y/n there...
"Why are we back at the headquarters?" Y/n asked with a very confused face "let's just head inside okay?" "Fine."
They enter the headquarters...both of them were shocked by the decorations, delta didnt show a single emotion since he tried not to, but y/n? She was very seemed to be blushing about something.
"Umm delta, why is your face all red?"
"i-i Ahem, dont ask..."
"Anyways ive got something to tell you..."
"Yeah sure what's up?"
"I like you."
"...., Your joking right?"
"Im completely serious.i like you."
"You do? He does!!"
"Do you like me back?"
"Of course i do! Anyways wanna be my boyfriend?"
"Sure, but i wanna change that like to love~."

I think that turned pretty well
I love him-
It was pretty long but lets hope you enjoy!

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