fem!aiger x hikaru (request)

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Im back! (Finally)
Im kinda sick and i needed some time for my self and some problems so, i hope it wasnt too long.
Requested by: @aiger7
Thanks for requesting! And this might suck so, nevermind...
And aiga here is younger that ranjiro and fubuki so, i hope you dont mind.
Aiga's pov...
I was strolling around in beigoma academy, its been a long time since i came back here, but man its really lonely...its not that much fun since fubuki and ranjiro graduated...oh i bumped into someone...
"HEY WATCH WERE YOUR GOING?! Aiga said angrily...
"Oh uh sorry..." The guy said, "well do you need any help?"
I said not even looking at him....i dont want to thats it.
"Okay, also sorry again."
"Hmpf." I said as i looked up.
"Your the new student right? Wait, YOUR AIGA AKABA?!"
"Yeah so? Heh."
"Oh my i cant believe that im meeting a famous person, just wow, oh do you need some help with the place? Do you want me to show you?"
"Ive been here before so, i dont need any help. Im going now"
The end of the flashback...
Yup, thats how i met the guy that takes my interest, hikaru asahi ,(i used his Japanese name so you know, i think its cool actually!) Hes a nice guy, i might have feelings for him. Hes been nice to me ever since we met and were in the same class. I like him, but thats very difficult to say...
Hikaru's pov...
Aiga akaba is an amazing girl, im not gonna lie but i like her so much, im her bestfriend now, and i kind of dont want to ruin our relation, but still, i think i need to confess! Hyuga have been asking me to tell her all day but i cant, its hard but he can never understand, even raika have been teasing me all over, and yeah i should really confess.
Time skip~
Aiga's pov...
Ive been in the rooftop of the school since im so bored at lunch time, i couldn't find hikaru anywhere so i decided to stay here.... Well here he is!
"A-aiga!!" He said to me panting, looking like he've been running ever since the bell rang "did you run for that much time to find me? Oh well, of course you would im worth it!"
"You never change do you.. anyways i have something to tell you!!" He said embarrassed, is it just me or is he...BLUSHING?!!
"well, what do you want?"
"I.....i....i like you so much aiga!!!!"
Hikaru's pov....
"I.....i....i like you so much aiga!!!!"
Phew! I managed to say that!! Wait... what if she rejects me?!! Oh man i forgot to think that through! This isnt like me!! Ugh....what would she say? Please answer quickly....
"I.....i like you too hikaru"
My intense face has became a big smiley one, i jumped out of happiness trying to find the right words to say!
"I.......you like me too?!! Wow i never expected this!!! This....thank you!!" I rushed and hugged her tight
"O-oi! Stop! You making me feel uncomfortable!"
"Ah...really...sorry! Ummm can i ask you a favour?"
"What is it?"
"Can you be my girlfriend?"
"Ummmmmmmmmm ill think about it."
"Of course not! I would like to be your girlfriend though...." She mumbled quitely thinking i didnt hear which i really did.
"Really?! Thanks a lot aiga!!"
"Oii! I said no hugging! Your making me so uncomfortable! HIKARU. GET. OFF. ME!"
"Sorry. Hehe!"

I did it! Finally! Sorry it took long! And it probably sucks but i think its not bad..? Its decent. But i hope you liked it!

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