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I'm chilling on what is at the moment considered my bed when I hear a knock at the door.
"Yes?" I answer, Colby walks in smiling at me. "Oh hey Colby,"
"Hey, we're throwing a party at 7pm tonight, you gonna be there?" He asks.
"Uh... Sure?" I reply unsure, I like parties but I never could've guessed that I would have a party with Sam and Colby.
His smile widens as he looks very excited. "Great," He then exits the guest bedroom and shuts the door behind him.

After a few hours of hanging out in the bedroom, I drag my arse out of bed and carry myself down the stairs.
"Afternoon Scarlett," Kat says sitting on the sofa enthusiastically, with a look of pity.
"It's afternoon?" I squint at the new light shining in my eyes, I must be having one of my days.
"Ooh, you look like shit," Jake says as he walks past me.
"No... She just, hasn't gotten ready yet," Kat tries to correct him but she's a bad liar.
"I don't always look like this in the morning, I swear.. I think I'm just having one of my off days," I try to laugh which miserably fails because of how groggy my throat is right now.
"Well... The party later should help you, right guys?" Colby mentions as he guides me to the sofa with his hand on my lower back while everyone agrees with him.

As I sit down Colby slides his hand up my back so it reaches the top of the sofa, he sits down right next to me with his legs spread and his arm on top of my neck. My breath gets uneasy as I realize the position me and Colby are in. Damn...

Kat gets up from next to me and makes her way to her boyfriend who is making Nutella on toast in the kitchen. Which looks amazing.
He looks away from the counter to Kat and wraps his not-useful arm around her lower waist and kisses her on the forehead. She looks up at him and smiles flashing an excited look in mine and Colby's direction as Sam gives her a smirk as if he knows what she means by that. Which I'm sure everyone does because of how obvious they both made it- and because we then have all eyes on us for a hot second.

I clear my throat and give a quick look at Colby to find him already staring at me with a lustful smile. I try to keep calm so I look away, pull out my phone and lean my head back onto his arm. I start typing in my notes and show Colby what I wrote.
'Everyone is staring at us, it's really awkward'

I hear him let out a sigh as almost everyone else starts making their own conversations. I get startled as Colby leans his head closer to mine and whispers in my ear.
"Wanna go up to my room and watch a movie?" He says as his hot breath hits my skin making me almost gasp.

I don't think twice before getting up and walking up the stairs, I look back to see Colby still on the sofa so I give him a look of approval, right then he jumps up and follows my trail as we hear giggles coming from everyone downstairs. We make our way up to Colby's bedroom and we make ourselves comfortable on his bed with his arm around my neck and me leaning my head on his.
"What film do you wanna watch?" He asks staring deep into my eyes almost making me drool.
"I don't mind, you choose," I reply quickly looking away, I can't keep eye contact, especially not with this smoking hot man.
"Alright then," He flashes his famous Colby smile you always see in videos, and oh my god it was even more adorable in real life.

When the almost 3-hour film finished the time came to get ready for the party.
"Right, time to get ready for the party, time to get sexy," Colby blurted out removing his arm from around my neck as I lift my head from his shoulder.
"Colby!" I giggle about his funny comment.
"What?" He laughs.
"Oh my..." I lean my head back as I drag myself out of the comfort of his bed.
"Black or white," I hear Colby say behind my back as I open the door.
"Huh?" I turn around confused.
"Black or white?" He repeats as I almost drop my jaw on the floor since I have just been met with the site of Colby without his shirt on with his soft abs showing as he holds a black and white blouse on each side of his amazing body.
"Oh uh- Black," I answer as he hangs back up the white blouse and starts putting on the black one. I swear he did that on purpose.

At 7 o'clock I hear Sam greeting all the guests which makes me realise how many there are, someone turns on the music which instantly vibrates through my body. I make it to the stairs and at the top, I try to find familiar-looking heads, which I could not. I walk down into the crowd and push my way to the kitchen to find my friends.
"Jake!" I shout realising he is with Tara. "Oh hey, Tara! I'm-" I try to introduce myself but get cut off.
"Oh my god! Scarlett! So good to see you!" She instantly brings me into a tight hug.
"Want a drink?" Jake asks holding out a red plastic cup of... What the fuck is that.
"We what the fuck is that? It smells disgusting," I look down at the shit-coloured drink in Jake's hand with a disgusted look on my face.
"Jack Daniels, guessing you want something else?" He laughs and Tara joins in.
"Uh yeah, please. Got any Vodka?"
"Yeah, in a shot?"
I laugh realising he's serious. "No, in the cup, I'll need it,"
"Woo, you're made of stone,"
"You ain't seen nothing yet," I take the cup and slam it down my throat in one go, then I pull a face sticking out my tongue. "Not made of stone," I mention as we all laugh.

"Wow... Wanna stick your tongue out like that for me?" I hear I feel hands connect with my hips.
"What the fuck? Get off me weirdo, I'm not drunk enough for that yet," I try to take this stranger's hands off me but his grip is too strong.
"Awh c'mon, don't be sour princess," He starts kissing my neck and Jake approaches him.
"Get the fuck off her dude!" He tried pushing the guy off me but only pushes me deeper into his touch, well, then he gets off me- thrown. I hear the guy yelp so I turn around to see him on the floor with Colby on top of him.
"Don't fucking touch her!" He punches him in the face and Sam and Jake pull him off and then kick the stranger out.

He immediately walks over to me when Sam and Jake drag the guy out.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He tucks my hair behind my ear then rests his hands on my cheeks.
"Yeah, I'm fine, lucking he only kissed my neck," I try to reassure him.
"No one should ever be touched like that against their will," He says.
"Well luckily I'm fine Colby, so don't worry," I rub his shoulder to try to calm him.
"No, it's not, because I know the fear of being assaulted," He explains.
"You mean the fear from prison?" He nods his head in response.
"Let's just drink, I'm too sober for this." I walk over to the counter as Jake and Sam join us again.

Hours into the night I find myself grinding and dancing on Colby with everyone around us, all I know is that Colby's hands are on my waist exploring my body and I don't have a goddamn care in the world.
This man is the only thing I want and need right now.

He moves my hair from the right side of my neck and places his hand under my chin making me look up and close my eyes. I let out a breath as he embeds his lips where he just removed my hair from and starts wet kissing me.

A Seven Day Trip ||COLBY BROCK||Where stories live. Discover now