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I slowly open my eyes to a familiar feeling of big hands wrapped around my waist. Except this time they are holding onto my skin tight and he is spooning me. I'm in the fetal position basically and I can feel a crotch pressing into me from behind.

"Colby?" My vision is hazy, I can barely keep my eyes open, but I'll recognise those hands anywhere. My voice is quiet, I'm so tired.
All he does is let out a mumble to let me know he's aware that I'm the person he's in bed with.

I go to get up but I get pulled back as Colby's two middle fingers latch onto the middle of my bra in between my boobs and pull me back into our previous position. He makes groaning sounds as I look back and then look forward and he digs his head into the back of my neck, hiding himself in my blonde hair.
God the things this man does to me.

I re-awake later on to a phone in my face with Corey holding it and Jake next to him.
"Oh- Guys! Go away," I moan as they laugh their heads off.
Colby groans as he moves his fingers which were holding onto the middle of my bra the whole time to make sure I can't get up to my stomach. He holds on as tight as a baby would hold onto its dummy.
"Go away..." He mutters bringing his body closer to mine.
"Woooo let's go before Colby gets mad!" Corey laughs as the pair run off.

"Morning," I say to Colby.
"Mhm," He murmurs in a tired voice.
"We need to get up," I hold my head realising how bad of a headache I have. "Shit, what happened last night? I have a banging headache," I tell him since he blatantly ignored my last comment.
"Your head hurts?" Colby asks in this... Oh my god his voice, I can't even explain it. He has the hottest morning voice I've ever heard.
I ignore that thought as I reply. "Mhm."

Well that got him up He drags himself out of bed zombie style sliding his hand over my body, god his rings.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" Colby asks confused still half asleep holding his hand on the back of his head. Oh god he's topless My eyes wander around his body.
"Wanna keep staring or wanna go downstairs and get some paracetamol for that headache? Cuz two can play at that game." He smirks as his eyes also now travel from my face to my topless body.
I get flustered as I've finally been caught after all these times and just let a sad 'uh' sound.

I snap out of my embarrassment as Colby puts a top on and throws me mine as I try to remember what lead us to be in bed with each other. 'Fuck' I think as I realise I may have just had sex with Colby Brock for the first time and I don't even remember it. I mean... A girl can only dream, and I just do not remember.

"I remember us dancing... Then you..." My eyes widen as I realise what he did to my neck, and how good it felt. If only to be in that moment again. "Oh god," I put my fingers over my mouth without making contact so I could still speak, but he beat me to it.
"And then I kissed your neck," He giggles at the thought and then glances at my chest. "You gonna put that top on or shall I? I'm sure I can do the reverse of what I did last night no problem," He smirks again not taking his eyes off my chest.
"Colby!" I whimper as I put my top on.
"What?" He says in an obvious tone now holding back a laugh.

I get up and look down realising I still have my black lingerie pants and leggings on.
"Oh thank god," I praise whoever is above.
"We didn't fuck, don't worry," Colby reassures me making me let out a nervous laugh.
"Amazing," I walk towards the door as I have a quick, hot flashback of how Colby pushed me through his bedroom door.

We were making out, hard. His hands guided me by my waist, he banged the door shut behind us and pushed me up against it. He paused to take his shirt off and then he started at me for a second. Those wet lips still slightly open waiting for someone to close them with his lustful eyes staring into mine. So I closed the gap, I tangled my fingers in his hair pushing him into me. He slowly lifted my top as I felt his cold rings scrape against my body, up my stomach and across my cleavage.

A Seven Day Trip ||COLBY BROCK||Where stories live. Discover now