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His mind was very foggy, there was mist everywhere.

Was he in the mountains?

No this was very different, it was warmer. The mountains were colder than this heat, he could feel something warm from his chest...what was this? Where was he... he couldn't remember, things were slipping from him.

His breath was weak and he could feel his heart rate beginning to slow, maybe this is what it felt like to die.. What ... what was he dying for again? He couldn't remember, who was he with? Why was this so hard to remember?


He heard someone yelling, the voice, who was it? he never recognized this. Why was that , and... Why did it fill him with utter hatred? He could hear so many voices, they scratched the inside of his skull, they were hurting him, it felt like his brain was going to explode from the inside out.


It shouted and suddenly... his body started to move again, softly and twitchy, he tried to open up his eyes, but it was not happening, his hearing was weak and he could not grasp his surroundings.

"Can you hear me?"

The voice stated, he couldn't speak, this terrified him. Why could he not remember anything at all? His insides were on fire with the searing agony that was fuelling his body, the next voice he heard, he somewhat knew.

"He has suffered a severed shock to his brain and his whole system, his body has went into a relapse and erased all traces of trauma and pain that caused it."

The strict voice stated, the other one sounded depressed and full of tears.

"He..he has forgotten m-me..."

Who were these damn people and why can he not see them?! He had no idea of the events that had occurred. He tried to speak again and to his shock he heard himself.


He murmured out, shocking the people in the room, he felt a tight grip on his arm, it was soft and it was firm at the same time, the voice that spoke was trembling and something moist landed on his hand.

"H-Hey, Kisshu, do you know who I am?"

She asked as her voice tried it's best not to break there and then, he tried so hard to think but he couldn't, he could not remember this girl at all. His voice was too weak so he shook his head slowly, the grip was released and the sound of sobbing was heard.

The voice that followed was also female, but it was deeper than the last one, with a tint of sadness in it, he recognized it faintly.


He faintly whispered, the strict voiced one gasped and noted this down, so it seemed he remembered some others...just not... Ichigo...

Kisshus BurdenWhere stories live. Discover now