Pride and Prejudices.

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The planet that Kisshu had long since left now came into his line of view, it was like a knock to the head that just kept repeating, he was actually back now at Ragnarok , the planet had long since flourished, thanks to the blue aqua.

The only thing that worried him was his father, the cold bastard had practically murdered him when he was a child, was an utter miracle that he'd lived, but the thing that scared him was, what if he tried to steal Ichigo? In his race, if you are young and you are not married, you are fair play. Even if she was older now, they had not tied the knot.

Zakuro noticed that the male was deep in thought, this would be a good time to chat with the cat girl nursing two kids with a stressed face. With a calm demeanure and kind smile , she took one of the children off of her.

"I thought having a baby would be fun and would be so much of an adventure, but I'm damned tired, my boobs are sagging and ugh, I get a whirlpool of emotion, it I don't know what to do and Kisshu has been obsessing over this travel, I know it's damn important."

Ichigo paused and let out a breath as she took Kaouru off of her breast, the baby was asleep like a dead leg, laying him against her chest , she took her other baby back off of Zakuro and did the same process.

"Well , you are doing really well for a person that's stressed out. "

She stared a little shocked at how naturally the cat girl has adapted to the role of mothering, but it had also showed how much of a woman she had grown into over the years.

"Thanks, but it would be better if it was on earth, I hope that after we get this over with, we can all just have a big party and laugh about it, even bring back Pai and Taruto . That's my wish at the end of this."

Ichigo stated firmly as she rubbed the head of her son, his beautiful golden locks threaded through her finger tips, she was still ashamed of herself for allowing them to be conceived altogether, but she was happy with herself.

Zakuro could not help but to smile herself. This was a big change to the naive cat girl she'd known since the start of their careers, but she too had a secret, she would need to tell Ichigo of her new smell ability once they were firmly on the ground , it was the sound of the alien male that caught their attention.

"We have...some issues, the Ragnarock force are run by my father, even though I am a fellow cyiniclon, and I left to bring peace, the left side of the planet still are hostile towards me, and especially you mew mew girls, so please, do not set foot near that area without me, okay ?"

He sounded very worried, more than he had all day , this unerved Zakuro as she was not used to seeing the male act in such a way, the people over there, they must be very evil to even make Kisshu so scared to set foot over the line, taking in what the male had said, both girls nodded slowly before following the male to a lake .

"We will stay here, don't go out after dark, don't open the door to anyone but myself, and don't leave the children alone, I know your never, but this is not earth."

The amount of seriousness that Kisshu had possessed right now, was making Ichigo feel depressed, he was normally so fun and happy, if getting the two kingdoms to make up meant getting off this place and the non serious Kisshu returned. The better.

"Yea, I understand."

Both of them recited, the male nodded in approval to this and handed them two walkie talkies, he explained to them that the talkies were crafted for alien spies to stalk their enemy, also that there is a taser on it, if someone should attack, then it releases a shock wave that renders the victim paralysed.

"Only use it when extremly necessary . I doubt that you need to, but I just want to be sure if I leave to do something. That you are going to be safe. It's out of love."

He murmured as he looked to the sky of the planet, Zakuro gave him a squeeze and grinned , he did smile a little but not overly, the stress on his mind affected his personality, also his depression was beginning to return, the voices that he'd banished had began to come back to his recovering psyche. He pushed away softly and smiled a fake smile.

"Everything is fine. Just listen to what I said, and nothing bad will go on. I have to go talk to the elder of this side of the planet. He caters to food and top appliances , if I can make good with him, we are set for a while. Do not leave this cabin. I can't be certain of what may happen."

With a last glance he left, lying was wrong, he knew it was, but allowing harm to befall his family, that would be the biggest disaster of all.

"I'll protect them with all my might. I swear that."

He growled to himself.

They were all unaware of the eyes watching through a telescope , the emerald haired alien doing so smirked with devilish glee at the younger looking women in the cabin, but his smile faltered seeing the children, women were not allowed to breed, not in his laws. Unless with him. This made him exceedingly jealous , eyes wandered to the young male and the sound of glass shattering was heard.

"Sire!? What is wrong, I heard-"

The squire had no time to register what happened as a sword decapitated his head, severing it from his shoulders, blood sprayed like a fountain , but this was no surprise , the king killed many that he deemed worthless. And the person he had locked in his hues. He was a dead man walking.

Calling his most trusted guard, he pointed at the alien who was walking back to a small cabin with milk and fruit , no emotion was in his voice.

"Kill him, kill the infants and if the women resist, drug them. That's an order."

The mercenary nodded swiftly and with a bow, he vanished.

The older male watched through his safe glass, a cruel smile on his lips.

"You won't survive twice, dear dear son of mine."




Sorrryy I've just beeeen so busy!!!

I'll try to write moreeeeee


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