Running Scared

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Ichigo ran, she never looked back, she just knew that she had to run , it was not an up to debate thought or battle, if she got to cafe mew mew, then she could tell Ryo, Zakuro, anybody that Kisshu was running after her, Masaya was dead, she felt her heart snap in two as she checked quickly behind her, Kisshu was no where in site. She let out a small sigh of relief as her legs slowed to a stop behind a tree.

'Think Ichigo, cafe mew mew is your haven. Get there and you can get help. Don't think of the bad things. '

She said in her head mentally, she heard his voice, evil and full of twisted mischief. She held her breath behind a tree and didn't dare to breathe a sigh of breath.

"Kiiiiittty~ you know it's oh so rude to hide. I came just all this way to pick you up. So why not be a good little mew mew and give up to me, you know, Masaya died all due to your selfishness."

Kisshu stated as he looked about for her. He knew that she could not of gotten very far, it's not like she was an alien who could transport herself. He kept speaking as he stared around.

"He waited all night for you and you didn't even have decency to warn him you'd be late, not that I am mad. Oh no no no, you not being there meant he was easy to shock and attack. I never counted for you to come in. I was all set to wait and pounce when you were not suspecting. This is fun too however~"

He smirked, a small gasp lead him to a tree, only to be kicked right in the face, he sneered as he saw her run away from him in terror, now, he was growing irritated.

"Enough is enough, I'm taking you, and this time. You have no one to rescue you."

He spat in distaste. Ichigo ran and ran as fast as she could muster her legs to run, but the feeling of unbearable pain stopped her, just as she got to the peak of cafe mew mew, she dragged her body forward, but felt pressure on her spinal cord, glancing up, she saw Kisshu staring at her.

"Game over my little kitty cat"

He stated as he began to teleport, Ichigo felt her mind fog up and her body weaken, she gathered one last look at the blurred image of cafe mew mew before everything went ink black.

Waking up, Ichigo groaned softly, she felt sharp pain in her head, opening her eyes, she saw a mirror in front, it was saw a reflection of herself with her ears pinned to a table. It was only a few moments later that she let out an ear splitting scream. Kisshu walked over with a calm grin at the pain she was in.

"What's wrong kitty? Head in a jam? Heh, did you know, the new drug I tested on you, Lucid Acid, prolongs your senses. Meaning...if I were too... I dunno, do this."

He calmly stabbed her gently in the breast, she gasped, why wasn't she screaming, she couldn't feel any pain. She was so lost, she looked like she could throw up. Kisshu took it out her breast, he licked her bleeding wound.

"You can't feel any pain. But you can watch every little incident that happens to you, I owe this to my first lab rat Taruto. But...sadly, he lasted only a short while...I'm hoping you will late longer...long enough for me to show you how much pain you made me endure."

He sneered at her with great animosity, Ichigo didn't know what to do, she couldn't move and she could not get what Kisshu had meant, she did not do anything . He left, his depression was not her fault. She was brought out her thought by Kisshu. He was staring at her. Intently .

"All of this. Is your fault"

He slapped her in the face, she yelled out. Kisshu smirked.

"Looks like it doesn't numb you completely. Good. Now, as I said..."

Kisshu began beating her in the face, she cried out more and more until she was bleeding from her nose and mouth. Kisshu looked at her, mock sympathy in his tone.

"My poor poor kitty...need me to kiss your boo boo?"

He tutted as he looked her in the eyes, her tears falling down her face as he roughly grabbed her by the chin.

"Best get used to this Kisshu honey , cause the one you knew, died long ago when you stabbed him in the heart."

He spat dropping her chin and walked away, no remorse in his once playful eyes. Ichigo knew that she had to escape , if she never, she'd end up dead. It was going to take all of her cunning and her wits to out smart Kisshu, as annoying as he was, he was a very smart bastard.

'I won't go down easy. Kisshu, I won't let you win, not unless my breath ends first.'


Ok that's my 2 stories updated. I'm gonna pass out now .



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