Betrayal Of The Heart

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Lettuce was dead.

I don't know why...he killed her...but she was dead, Taruto was dead , seemed like everyone was dropping like flies, I did not like it...I had to find Ichigo . I had to find Pudding. I couldn't...i couldn't let my team die...I'd never be able to live with the guilt.

The sun was going down and the dark was setting in. Not very good.

"Ichigo...I'd use masha...but...he's dead..."

Masha short circuited and had to be killed, he was in so much pain, Ichigo could not bear it, she was the one to do it . Masaya took her mind off it. But I knew it really got to her, she just pretended to smile.

Ichigo pretended to be so much, she only really opened up to me about them. The fact her parents had separated. The fact her father constantly tried to take her from her mother after the break up.

She had not been herself for a long time. I'm surprised I'm the only one to notice.

"Okay, I will do one more woodland check. Then, go back to the cafe. Please let me find... Something...."

I prayed to myself as I walked into the darkened wood . My eyes , much like a wolf, adjusted to the area. I decided, I would use my new power , I'd kept it secret. Staying still, I concentrated, the area was silent and still. I was one with the forest. I picked up a familiar scent. It was.... Ichigo! I could sense her. She...she was not far! I zoned back to my senses.

"Ichigo. Please hang on! I'm coming!"

I stated, mind focused on finding her and making sure Kisshu never hurt her or any one on my team ever again, I'll kill that bastard if he has done anything bad to her. I fucking swear that I will.


I was feeling so , so very weak. I hurt badly. Like I was beaten to a pulp. I was chained up...I thought... I thought I got to him...appeased to his humanity...why did he continue to torment me? Was showing me the abuse he endured...not enough? What and when would he just forgive me and go back to his senses?

I squinted, the light was so strong, I thought my eyes would burn out. I noticed a shape coming into my view, it was Kisshu. I growled softly. He walked up and grabbed my neck as he slapped something on me. A collar. I gaped. Was this terror ever going to end or would he do this till I died?

He undid my restraint and watched me, I was in half the mind to run. He even opened the door and waited as he spoke, his eyes watching mine.

"Go on. You want to be free from me. Right. So just go....I don't care anymore..."

He muttered. Without even a hesitation, I ran, I ran for that door. I wish I hadn't...I wish I'd kept my eyes on his face, I never saw the smirk, that sadistic smirk . As soon as I got even out. My body was filled with the most horrible pain ever. I fell to the ground. Twitching. Kisshu walked over.

"You failed. That was a test to see if you learned. You failed. Now. You get punished."

He stated as he hovered over the button again, my eyes widened I shook my head, pleading that he would not. He stared me right in my eyes. And smiled.

"Bad Kitty"

I screamed in agony as the pain encased my body. Tears fell from my eyes. I just wanted to be killed, right here and now the pain was so bad. I felt it stop. I breathed as I looked up. Kisshu was not there. But my body was so sore, I could not move in the least. I lay there, broken.

"You know...your supposed lover, lied for a very long time."

I heard a voice above me say, I snapped my head up so fast that I hurt it. Kisshu was lazily floating in the air. He had a dead pan look in his eyes, deadly serious. I didn't get it, what did that mean.

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