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❝     After a while you went quiet and IGot mean, I'm always pushing youAway from me but you come back withGravity

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❝ After a while you went quiet and I
Got mean, I'm always pushing you
Away from me but you come back with
Gravity. ❞


VIENNA WINDSOR only knew one thing and one thing only, and that was surviving.

     From the moment she was forced to flee her home in the midst of the cold, dark night, her eyes casted upon the dead feasting on the living, horror and fear glimmering in her frightened gaze. The woman knew she had no choice but to prevent herself from becoming the monsters she would later sought to destroy. That feeling was only amplified when she gave birth to her son, Ezra Windsor. She nothing more than to protect him from the cruelty of the new world, even if that meant sacrificing others along the way. Those sacrifices included letting her son's father die an excruciating death.

Ezra would grow up to resent his mother for the decision to let his father die, unbeknownst to him the kind of the man he was before his untimely demise. He blamed Vienna. He saw her as the monster who took away his father. Vienna took the weight of the blame and channelled it into anger, a blazing fury of hate she had for the dead world. When it came to a point where he didn't even recognise his own mother anymore, Ezra left one night and never returned, living out his teenage years in the Boston QZ where he found an unlikely pair who took him under his wing. Of course Ezra thought about his mom every day. But he knew that if he didn't leave when he did, he wouldn't have survived much longer.

For two full years, Vienna wandered aimlessly through the city, or otherwise known as The Valley of Death, surviving day and night, the blood of her enemies smeared across her skin, while she searched for some sort of purpose in the world. That was when Vienna crossed paths with the infamous Fireflies; a revolutionary militia group who revolted against military oppression, hoping to rebuild the world on their own. They gave Vienna the purpose in life she had been desperately searching for. Especially when a young girl claiming she's immune comes wandering through the streets of despair and misery.

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