Chapter Six

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Patara Baytree quickly made his way around the room, his smile was wide and blinding and his laugh full of mirth. People seemed to melt when they shook his hand and he had a small troop of young women eying him up from every corner of the room. The only group of people completely unimpressed by his arrival were Yoru's. They stood staring down at the fighting having the mildest discussion Yoru had ever heard them all have, as that low toned impressive voice and sure footsteps came closer to them.

Samrin Ashen came to join them shortly after the other man's arrival with a quick annoyed look at his sister who widened her eyes and shook her head. A conversation Yoru was not privy to, their ability to talk without talking surely a twin thing Yoru surmised.

The man causing the Ashen's to quieten down, made his way to their group with a hearty chuckle. Patara was a tall and broad elf with a very defined jawline, he looked every bit a man from Alve. He shook Yoru's hand firmly and remarked how wondrous it was to meet him. He bowed to Lady Ashen then clapped Firs on the shoulder.

"Aha old friend, of course you would be here"

Firs shrugged his hand off.

"Indeed I am" he said coldly.

"Samrin, how delightful to see you once again. It has been too long, we must catch up some time today" He lifted Samrin's hand to his lips and kissed it gently. Samrin gave the man a small bow then looked around embarrassed.

"Lord Baytree, it is good to see you. Your warriors have once again shown their excellence" Cais offered the man one slender hand which was swiftly ignored. Patara faced Firs, his attention fully on the shorter elf.

"What are you doing here talking to this lot? I thought you would be off with my cousin and the Mayor of Silona" he seemed to speak informally with Firs who just scrunched up his face like a bad smell had come upon him.

"Oh Patara, Firs has decided to become good friends with the Lunarin and you know he cannot resist annoying Master Cais Ashen" Fervanna joined them and bumped her shoulder into Firs who gave her a small smile.

Patara Baytree bellowed with laughter and pointed to Cais.

"You still torture this elf? If I remember correctly when we all schooled together in Silona you loved to bully the man. Ah do you remember when we went on that trip with the tutors to visit Amarin nearly killed the boy!"

"You know, I do apologise Lord Baytree, but I do not know who you are" Firs cut the man off abruptly, silencing everyone around them. Patara looked rather confused.

"I had a horse accident almost twenty-two years ago and it has diminished my memory"

Baytree nodded with an 'ah' as understanding washed upon his face. This was the first time Yoru had heard about such an accident, the man seemed to have all his faculties. He looked over to the Ashen's who all seemed nonplussed at the revelation. Clearly this was common knowledge.

"You see the physicians have said my affliction is terrible. I cannot remember my younger years and I simply forget people with boring, nay, bordering on ugly appearances so you see I just cannot remember you at all. I do apologise"

The group stood stunned as Firs did not lose eye contact with the man who pursed his lips. Patara's eyes darkened and he took a step closer to the short elf.

"Perhaps it's the drink making you forget, you should be careful that not how your father died" A few onlookers gasped at this remark and even the Ashen's looked shocked. Firs simply sipped his wine and shrugged.

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