4 AM

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He seemed more human. Every hour he changed more and more from a robot to a man. But he wasn't. He was completely different. Not a robot, not a human. Then what?

I spent a long while thinking about it, listening to a ticking clock. Which clock? None. This place had only those LCD displays, because no one wanted to make sure the clocks ran properly, so everything was electronic. But I needed that ticking now to measure time. So it just appeared. Could I control this place? I didn't know.

I knew that I came here yesterday, at least that's how I remembered it. But I felt less and less sure the more time I spent thinking. Nothing seemed normal or as one would suspect it to be. I remembered that...

"Exactly. I remember. Why?"

Every hour things just became weirder and weirder, more hostile, and yet in some way friendly. Like a fly trap, tempting with its smell, only to suddenly close over an unsuspecting fly, causing it to die in its acid.

"But I never could have escaped. I've been melting since I came here." I thought, looking at the ceiling, doors, floor. The world was spinning. "No". I saw everything at once, while still having closed eyes. Nothing was the way it should be.

"Why do I remember everything now?". My memories came flooding back, no longer dissolving into the abyss. They were lasting. It made me worried. This could mean only one thing: that those hours had succeeded in whatever their task was. And now this place, this nightmare was laughing in my face, showing me what it can do. Proud, showing off events of this night, mocking my trusting nature, in the depths of my watery grave.

"WATERY?" Yelled my brain, jolting me back to the real world. I couldn't breathe under the surface of the water. Quickly I opened my eyes and got up from the ground, choking and coughing.

— What the hell was that? — The floor was flooded. Water reached only my knees but it was enough to drown me, had I stayed on the ground for a minute longer. I couldn't understand it. It had to be a dream, yet everything seemed so real, so physical. — My nightmare. — I muttered.

A slow laughter reached my ears from afar. Whatever it was, it was getting closer. With each tick of the clock it approached its goal, my death. And all I could do was stand in the middle of the room, like a kid lost in a shopping mall, waiting for his parents to finally find him. But I didn't want to act like a child. I wanted to show what I'm capable of. I wanted to show this nightmare, that it hasn't yet broken me, that I will fight. I gathered the full strength of my mind and took a step back. It was a mistake, my leg didn't hit the hard floor, it went further, down the abyss, and it took me with it.

The light of three lightbulbs blinded me. Once more I was in the office, this time though everything was dry and different. Clean and perfectly white tiles, cupboards and shelves full of medical supplies and in between all of that me. Strapped to an operating table with belts, like one of those emotionless murderers I've seen on TV. I tried to get out but the restraints were too strong. I closed my eyes, trying to listen to the imaginary clock.

— Tick tock, tick tock. — I whispered between breaths, feeling up my nose with the smell of a sterilization fluid. I tried to think about something else. Anything. "My parents". In my mind I got back to the times when I used to run around the house, I tried to bring back the details of it, imagine myself inside. Safe. Substituting the thought of murderers and operations with a smell of fresh apple pies.

I had opened my eyes, shocked, standing straight up in some small space. My nose was attacked by the smell of hot pie, freshly vacuumed carpets and spring with its flowers and melting snow. I laughed triumphantly exiting the closet in the living room. Everything was as I remembered it, red walls, a big table in the middle of the room, a window leading out to my grandparent's pastures, right to me the door to our kitchen - always closed so as to not disturb my mother when she was inside. To my left was a corridor leading to the rest of the house. "I won" I thought, falling down to my knees, tired. This thing couldn't get to me, and even if it managed to do so, I finally realized I have control over this... "Dream?"

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